4. Epic Tier

Level 22, Utility

Ghostly Vengeance (PHB2,Daily)

Until the end of the encounter, WALK THROUGH WALLS. And something else not unimportant, but you had me at walk through walls.

Indomitable Resolve (PHB2,Daily)

Once per day, don't die, as an immediate interrupt. Almost always worse than Raven Wings, which gives you the ability to reposition yourself and heal in addition to not getting dropped.

Raven Wings (D380,Daily)

Once per day, don't die, as a no action. The teleport is of limited utility, but the "no action" part is really handy. Still probably not the best choice at this level.

Refuge of Piety (DP,Encounter)

Once an encounter, save against everything and get some free shifting too. The only problem is that it's an move action, so you can't use it if Stunned, and may not want to if dazed.

Oath of the Final Strike (PHB2,Daily)

Once per day, put off dying for a round, and be completely immune to damage for that round. Nice, but I'd rather walk through walls.

Seeker's Step (DP,Daily)

Hopefully there will be enough squares next to your OoE target that you can teleport to one where your other attacker can't hit you. Does use your stance slot, which has become increasingly valuable.

Shield of Providence (DP,Encounter)

Take half damage from attacks, turned out ontside of your turn, and charge up your next attack. Good for the Martyr.

Twin Step (PHB2,Encounter)

I prefer my utilities to be something other than dailies, and it provides really good mobility. But I still can't justify this over any of the above.

Level 23, Encounter

Most of these do around 4W.


Bond of Justice (DP)

4W, and if you run away from your oath target after the attack, teleport+TH bonus+damage. Effective, if difficult to RP.

Chains of Fate (PHB2)

More "target shares damage you take" Martyr powers. If you're looking for a "survive being surrounded", you want phase duel. This will be a bit more offensive... but really I think you want Phase Duel.

Fearsome Fury (DP)

One round completely neuter something your party has surrounded. Completely. And does decent damage.

Phase Duel (PHB2)

You take your target elsewhere to do battle for a turn. Your target has line of effect/sight to nothing but you, and since you're a martyr, you've guaranteed it won't hit you either. No one can hit you, your target can hit no one. Yeah, that's actually good.

Sacred Arena (D382)

Divine Rage, the 4{W} attack version, with more teleporting. But since you have to teleport the poor targets into safe(ish) squares, kinda lame in its way. I'd go for one of the cooler powers, and at this level there are several.

Threatening Strike (DP)

3[W]+immobilized vs. Fort. Woo? If the 2nd attack triggered, it might be nice; but it won't. The only real use it has is for a Martyr who's about to unleash an MBA storm somehow: the kicker's a nice buff. But as a standard action, that's still pretty expensive.

Vengeful Apparition (DP)

Punt your target a silly distance, with very high accuracy. Also, more flying through walls as an encounter power. This time chasers have a silly high fly speed.

Victory Hymn (DP)

If you need to spend a surge and make a save, you either need to get suspiciously lucky, or you need to make the attack against someone who's not your OoE target. At least it's an effect...


Avenger's Shield (PHB2)

Ranged. Hit them with this, then move in without fear of them attacking you. Except if you're willing to move in, why are you taking level 23 implement powers?

Excoriating Challenge (DP)

Ranged AoE power. Pushes or pulls, only damages your Oath taret. Might be worthwhile if you think you're a warlock, and have the full teleport-enhancer package, but I tend to doubt it.

Level 25, Daily

The Barbarian benchmark is for pure damage powers is 8W. Some of these come close.

Controllers take Executioner's Justice. Chasers probably take Mantle of the Astral Champion, but I expect everyone to have an assortment of phasing powers at this point, so it might be overkill. I'm not sure what everyone takes.


Aspect of Death (PHB2)

In theory this power convinces the subject to run away from you... but in practice 10 damage (save-ends) isn't enough damage to force compliance. But 6W is respectable. For 10 damage, it should just been until the end of the encounter.

Executioner's Justice (PHB2)

Dazed, to stunned, to have some psychic damage while you're stunned. Hm, how much Orb-izard magic can we get going on here?

Mantle of the Astral Champion (DP)

Fly through walls for the encounter. And is also an attack.

Sigil of Damnation (PHB2)

Make your encounter powers do half damage on a miss. Um, the point of the avenger is to not miss.

Wings of Pursuit (D382)

Move + Attack, the daily power version. 5{W} isn't horrible, and the kicker is basically "fly speed if your target runs", but since targets generally don't run, and you don't get the fly speed if you can't reach it... Mantle of the Astral Champion is almost strictly better.


Amber Prisons (DP)

Touch attack. At this level, immobilized is marginal for a save-ends daily effect, and monsters know to avoid fireball formation as well, so won't be slid and immobilized because they won't be adjacent to your targe.

Bond of Destiny (PHB2)

Ranged implement power. Gives you the ability to run after people. The key ability here is no line of sight requirement. Translation: Infinite Range and/or ignore hidden.

Drawn by Fate (DP)

Ranged, but with a weapon 2ndary attack. Standard, this. Move far far away. Minor, teleport the target back next to you (wherever you are) way away from it's support. Free, during the target's turn: curse when it makes it's saving throw and you can't keep it locked down anymore.

Thunderhead Smite (DP)

Pretend it says "Requirement: no enemy can be adjacent to you", and is colored green. Doesn't do that much (Close burst 3 push power that does no damage)... but is colored green.

Level 27, Encounter

The choice powers here are Scatter to the Astral Winds, and Spark of Hatred. Fishermen take Hurricane of Blows via Eternal Seeker, of course. Chasers take Inevitable End, but are a bit bitter about it.


Anvil of Faith (DP)

Push 5 at the most, and do 3W. Why? Well, if you're a Hammer of Judgement with push-focused items, this can be a second silly-large punt. And there's some value in pushing monsters 17,18 squares. (9,10 without an action point). So I guess you can use this as a differently flavored Sequestering Strike.

Astral Charge (PHB2)

Nearly no damage, but stunned for a turn, and can use on a charge. As an encounter power. But 1W? Seriously? If you take the Rogue power "Perfect Strike" you have a decent chance to stun as an encounter power and do 5W.

Death Stroke (PHB2)

A simple big encounter blow. 6W if you follow the directions, and the directions are not that hard to follow, but it's just damage.

Inevitable End (PHB2)

The choice this level of the Chaser. Decent sized blow, which will hit on anything other than double-ones, that you can use a second time if it doesn't kill him (and he runs or is pushed). The double use makes it better than Death Stroke. Remember to run off after you hit the target, so that you'll get the power back.

Scatter to the Astral Winds (PHB2)

The choice of the Martyr. Teleport everyone not your target across the board, beat up your target. Watch the warlord wish he could do that. (Obviously, you'll usually want to clump them all up, for the benefit of controllers, defenders, or AoE strikers, and also obviously while it's tempting to teleport them up, that reduces the chance that you'll position them the way you want.)


Brilliant Halo (DP)

Ranged. Basically a "run away" zone with trivial healing. Slightly less trivial when you're Retribution , but only slightly.

Covenant of Repentance (D382)

Ranged attack that allows you to roll twice. But, get this. It does 3d8+Wis+prone+10 damage. That's it. At this level, that's lame. Ok, in theory that 10 damage is a control effect, but 10 damage controlling a 27th level monster? Please! (Prone's great against fliers. But at this level, everything flies. If you don't have ways of dealing with fliers (PP, equipment) beyond an encounter power, you're doomed.

Hand of Silver (DP)

Melee touch. Does aweful damage but restrains. Awful damage is Awful

Spark of Hatred (DP)

Ranged, minor, can't target your OoE. Dominates for a turn. Unless things are positioned perfectly, don't bother forcing it to attack your OoE target like the power says. Just have it run past your party and provoke OAs. (It says "can attack only your OoE target", not "can only attack your OoE target"). 

Level 29, Daily

The Barbarian benchmark for a pure damage power is 9W, and a power actually hits it. A lot of the Divine Power powers have great fluff, but horrible mechanics.


Brand on the Soul (D382)

6{W} + Refocus Enmity. Woot. Or something.

Cataclysmic Duel (DP)

7W. Note that your kicker for the rest of the encounter is a touch better than the kicker you just gave the target... but your party will still not like you much unless you never get hit. Still a nice power for the Masters of Defense.

Final Oath (PH2)

9W. Remember that 9W is basically just 7W on top of your at-will, which is around 50 extra damage. There are lots of other things you can do that would be way more than 50 damage at this level, some of which you can do at will.

Giving the target +5 to hit you is dumb. The target needs that +5 WAY more than you do: why are you helping team monster?

Impaling Summons (DP)

Reverse approach power, then get a 6W attack off. I think there are other ways you could have accomplished that with encounter powers.

Merciless Nemesis (DP)

You know that "go duel with someone off in the corner" thing you like to do? Well, this power just made it trivial.

Temple of Resolution (PHB2)

5W, and you put up a zone that does keeps minions in place, and doesn't affect anyone else meaningfully.

Also, More Dakka.


Aspect of Terror (PHB2)

IFF close burst 5. Pushes. Completely prevents anyone you hit from attacking you for a round or two (until they save). But they will save.

Divide and Condemn (DP)

Touch. A daily power worse than Scatter to the Astral Winds, which is an encounter power. Yay.

Eye of the Hurricane (DP)

IFF Close burst 3. Pull people next to you so that you don't get your oath, and then have a pure damage power that does 6W+change. Um. Yeah. Oh, you deafened them until they save... if you care. (Hint: you don't).

Fiery Vengeance (PHB2)

Close burst 3. AoE damage, heals, and gives your enemies another reason to avoid you for the rest of the encounter. A plausible Chaser power, except for the MID issues.

March of Doom (DP)

Teleport everyone near you around the target, then hit the target and knock it prone, just in case there was someone who wasn't flanking it already. Should be a nice round... but again. I think dailies should alter the battle, not just the one round.