1. Heroic

Armor of Vengeance (DP)

Censure of Retribution (normally) acts as an incentive for the monsters you're not beating on to go elsewhere. By making it less likely they hit you, this reduces the visibility of your incentive ... but it does keep you from getting hit. If you're a Martyr, the creatures preventing you from getting your oath now also won't help you kill your real target faster.

Armor Proficiency (Leather) (PHB)

As of the November 2009 update, wearing leather turns off your Armor of Faith feature. So only take this as a gateway feat to Chain Proficiency.

Armor Proficiency (Chain) (PHB)

As of the November 2009 update, wearing leather turns off your Armor of Faith feature. So if you're a Critvenger and want an armor class, the heavy armor's this way.

Avenging Allure (DP)

The power in question has a range of 5 , and pulls your intelligence modifier. So very very quickly, it will pull longer than it's range. Why in would you spend a feat to make it pull longer? You can't use it's current length, unless you're a Dex-build using an Int power, or you've got serious gear increasing the power's range.

Avenging Resolution (D382)

Brutal is better, so if your Superior weapon is an Execution Axe, then this is a worthless (or even worse) feat. If it's a fullblade, it's 1/4 the value of Weapon Focus, and that's not a great feat. It's real value is for those who do not want to take Weapon Proficiency, and want to use weapons that use a d4 (Daggers, Spiked Chains, Falchion, etc). Those should consider this feat a poor man's weapon proficiency . For example, if you're going Dagger Master , then this is pretty good. If you crit a lot, then getting something that kinda looks like brutal 2 on all your crit dice is interesting, and raising your d4 weapon damage isn't bad either.

Battlewise (HotFK)

Initiative based off of Wis? Nice for Int based, meaningless for Dex based. It's hard to win Rocketlauncher Tag if you go last.

Closing Pledge (DP)

Throw a dagger at your target and get a large shift toward it. Shifts that large can be useful in a large number of situations, and you only have to end up 1 square closer to your target.

Cunning Stalker (HotFK)

Free CA if you are the only creature adjacent to your target. Especially for those that go off and solo monsters, great. Better than Deadly Draw if your go-to at-will isn't Overwhelming Strike , but probably worse if it is.

Deadly Draw (PHB3)

Overwhelming Strike or Bond of Censure now grants Combat Advantage? Downgraded from DeepSkyBlue because most people don't want to focus on pure at-will spam DPR, but your power list is full of powers that will trigger this. Compare with Cunning Stalker , which doesn't require a specific kicker, but does require positioning.

Defensive Mobility (DP)

As a Chaser, you'll probably take lots of OAs, or have a Badge of the Berserker

Divine Distraction (DP)

Unitarians help the party focus fire more. If you have a melee ranger in the party this approaches non-option status.

Distant Vengeance (D382)

So CLOSE! Only affect ranged basic attacks. And you only have one of those (dagger chuckers excluded), so this is a feat to modify one power that should have come with rerolls anyway. This is seeker bait hidden in an Avenger article.

Durable (PHB)

If you get hit a lot, and some of you do, and you can't reduce the damage reliably, then you'll end up going through a lot of healing surges. Get Toughness first, then come back here. And while you're at it, pick up some regeneration powers or resist items.

Fast Runner (PHB)

As a Chaser, you'll probably charge often.

Grim Promise (D368)

An early feat to take advantage of lots of crits. A good reason to train intimidate: your skill level doesn't matter.

Guaranteed Retribution (PHB2)

Make the martyr tactic more reliable.

Invigorating Pursuit (PHB2)

Gives a useful AC boost for all the OAs you'll provoke, and a small damage bonus. Eh... My RAI opinion is that the damage bonus is intended to be for future attacks, not the charge attack. But since it triggers at hit, RAW should apply it on the charge and future attacks, which makes this pretty good for charge focused builds.

Improved Armor of Faith (PHB2)

Just take Unarmored Agility (PHB3), at least until paragon, when you can consider adding this for another +1. The July 2010 Update removes the extra +1 for Paragon and Epic tiers, so this feat is only ever worth +1.

Improved Defenses (HotFL)

I'm not a huge fan of paying the taxman for defenses on a striker, but this is a cheap tax for what you get. Take it mid-paragon or so.

Jack of all Trades (PHB)

It's a decent feat if you have the stats, and some of you have the stats. It's not a great feat though.

Melee Training (PHB2)

You can easily optimize to have a killer basic attack: Your oath works on everything (hybrids excluded), Painful Oath is once per turn, everything that helps your class powers helps your Melee Basic. If you do have a killer basic attack, enemies have to respect your OA (which can influence their behavior to your benefit), and Warlords drool. So have a good MBA. If you can't take Power of Skill , take this. And try and talk your DM into ignoring the "half stat" nerf.

Nimbus of Light (DP)

A leader minor feat that can basically give your party at-will +1 to hit anyone next to you. But that assumes that your party are all Radiant Mafia .

Oath of Urgency (D382)

Use your Channel Divinity power to replace your second level utility power. Would normally be a no-brainer choice (using a feat instead of a power slot, especially since there are some GREAT 2nd level utility powers... but your Channel Divinity power is already incredibly good, and you can't use both in the same encounter.

Oath Strike (DP)

If it marked while the target was oathed, it would be worth taking for builds that wanted to also defend. But as it is, it's just a feat to enable you to make Son of Mercy work, except that the PHB FAQ says you can't take Son of Mercy .

Power Attack (PHB)

Since you roll twice and usually use Two-Handed weapons, this usually won't be a trap. If you have silly large static modifiers, it is. For most of Heroic, Power Attack is only better than Weapon Focus until around 10.5 damage per average hit... which after 6.5 from your d12 weapon is just 4 from your Stat and Enhancement bonus. You'll hit that easily after you get your magic weapon, so don't bother. But once you clear out the feat-jam somewhat, Power Attack looks better. Especially if you can further increase your chance to hit (Deadly Draw?) or have miss-damage (Serene Initiate?) or have multi-attacks so that you're not hurting your chance to land Painful Oath or Slashing Storm. And Pro-Tip: don't use it on attacks where you care about more than damage. One more note: If you have leaders that can push you off the d20 (that is, you'd hit on a 1 if hitting on a 1 were allowed), then Power Attack is a great way to turn that accuracy buff into a damage buff. So if your leader focuses on handing out accuracy buffs, take it, love it, and never let go.

Powerful Charge (PHB)

A small damage bonus on charges. Only builds that charge every turn should take this, but they all should because it's untyped damage.

Resilient Focus (HotFK,HotFL)

Perma +2 feat bonus to all saves. Boring, handy.

On a defender I'd like it more. Kill things faster and you won't need to burn the feat.

Skill Power (PHB3)

A feat to gain an additional (encounter) utility power. There are two I really like, and you can probably do without this feat by taking the utility power with your utility power slot. But if you need your 10th level Avenger utility power, here's how you get them.

Surprising Charge (MP)

For chargers that have good ways of reliably getting combat advantage. Which should be everyone, post essentials. It's a goodly amount of extra damage with your Warshovel, and can expand the RRoT+Whirlwind charge+Half-Orc low level spike for a few more levels, in games that don't errata RRoT.

Superior Implement Proficiency (PHB3)

Those with Bond of Censure and a reasonable intelligence modifier want to learn how to use Astral Holy Symbols. The rest of you care about Accurate ones. But really, you only care if you have a lot of implement powers, and since you lose your striker feature with most of them, that's usually a bad idea.

Superior Reflexes (HotFL)

An additional +1 over Improved Defenses , and CA during round 1. Just take Improved Defenses and get CA some other way, and on more than just round 1.

Superior Will (HotFL)

An additional +1 over Improved Defenses , and you get to roll certain saves at the start of the turn. Conditionally great. Better if you're playing off-tank.

Thief Specialist (D381)

A power swap feat that doesn't take your MC slot, although you do have to get training in Thievery somehow. How would you like to smack someone twice (for 2/3/4[W] and 1[W], no stat) with some free movement before and after?

Toughness (PHB)

You may have noticed a theme in my commentary about getting hit a lot. You might want this feat. You should be looking for resistance powers and gear and regeneration first though.

Two Weapon Fighting (PHB)

A small damage bonus. But it opens up Two Weapon Opening in Paragon... yummy.

Unarmored Agility (PHB3)

A +2 bonus to AC in your robes? Sold. Slots right in where Leather Armor would have been in pre-errata builds.

Unyielding Pursuit (D382)

If your target is 2 squares too far away, you can still use an encounter power. Can be very handy, and it can be a situation that comes up a fair amount. But it won't allow you to run to within range of the "move+attack" encounter power, so it's not quite good enough to get blue. (Plus, you still give CA)

Weapon Focus (PHB)

More smallish static modifiers. Pass by it early unless you're a ranger, but you will probably end up taking it once it's +2 to damage. If you worship Sehanine and wield either a lightsaber or a frost weapon, Silvery Glow is better and worth taking earlier.

Weapon Proficiency (PHB)

A bigger W for all those high {W} powers.

Expertise Feats

You'll need to take an expertise feat at some point. The real question is "which one"

Spear Expertise (HotFL)

The choice of the charger. You were gonna wield a spear anyway, for impaling spear. Get bonus damage with it.

Flail Expertise (MME)

Prone at-will is UBER for the Defenger. Less so for others that don't quite at-will spam to the same degree.

Axe expertise (HotFL)

Reroll any single 1. You don't get to keep rerolling though, so the net effect on your damage is minimal. Odds are you're using a Gouge, and should have taken Spear Expertise . Or you're using another axe, and should have take Two-Handed Weapon Expertise instead.

Heavy Blade Expertise (HotFL)

Bonus to OAs. Eh, it's something. As with Axe Expertise , Two-Handed Weapon Expertise is likely a better choice.

Two-Handed Weapon Expertise (HoF)

Applies to all of your manga weapons, and gives a bonus to charging. Will basically be identical to Spear Expertise , which isn't a bad thing to say.

Versatile Expertise (PHB3)

No kicker, but no conditions either. Pick two weapons or implements, and get an attack bonus.

Mighty Crusader Expertise (D402)

Most of you won't ever make a ranged or area attack while someone's adjacent to you, as you won't get your oath rerolls.

Devout Protector Expertise (D402)

You don't use a shield, or use a one-handed weapon.

Master at Arms (HotFL, HotFK)

The side benefit is usually pretty minimal in my experience. The real boost here is for the Dex Secondaries: you get free expertise with your bow or other ranged weapon. You won't use it much, but when you need it, you need it.

Weapon Expertise (PHB2)

Obsoleted by Versatile Expertise.