The Martyr

The sample build is set up to have high survivability along with decent static damage. You have 2 encounter "resist 5 for a turn" powers to use to chase static modifiers, along with some equipment daily powers to do the same.

When you do get hit 3-4 times in a single round and are still standing, use the Bracers for two attacks, and follow it with Fury's Advance for a third. Then spend an action point, and talk your Warlord into giving you at least one more. 4 Attacks at +24-36 will really hurt something.

Try not to use this routine every round... you'll just go through surges too quickly. Use it for a couple of rounds, and use your minor action power, multi-attack powers, and action points on those rounds. Then hopefully jack your AC back up, and spend the rest of the fight being more conventional.

The background, a lot of late paragon feats and early epic feats are going to Sage of the Age's utility power, so that you can usually get 3-4 or the benefits. The ritual caster things are just tossed in there because it looks like it would work well with Sage of Ages and a silly high Arcana check.

Tavar, level 30

Deva, Avenger, Simbarch of Aglarond, Sage of Ages

Build: Isolating Avenger

Avenger's Censure: Censure of Retribution

Arcane Implement Proficiency: Arcane Implement Proficiency (heavy blade group)

Background: High Imaskar (High Imaskar Benefit)


Str 10, Con 15, Dex 12, Int 26, Wis 26, Cha 13.


Str 8, Con 13, Dex 10, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 11.


AC: 47 Fort: 36 Reflex: 42 Will: 42

HP: 203 Surges: 11 Surge Value: 50


Religion +41, Intimidate +22, Heal +29, Perception +29, Arcana +42, Nature +35


Acrobatics +16, Bluff +16, Diplomacy +16, Dungeoneering +29, Endurance +17, History +35, Insight +23, Stealth +16, Streetwise +16, Thievery +16, Athletics +15




Reckless Fullblade +6, Ghostphase Starweave Armor +6, Opal Ring of Remembrance (epic tier), Ritualist's Ring (epic tier), Scarab of Invulnerability +6, Ioun Stone of Regeneration (epic tier), Gauntlets of blinding strikes (paragon tier), Iron Armbands of Power (epic tier), Symbol of Victory +2, Zephyr Boots (epic tier), Ironskin Belt (paragon tier)