Epic Destinies

Most Int based builds pick Sage of Ages (int). Chasers take Invincible Vanguard or Destined Scion , Ninjas probably take Destined Scion or something more thematic like Thief of Legend . Critvengers obviously go with Eternal Seeker (str), except for the late blooming Deva ones that go with Soul of the World . Radiant ones take Radiant One , obviously enough. Devas look hard at Soul of the World no matter what their build.

Avatar of Death (DP)

The stat buffs are tailor made for the Martyr, and the PP is good all around. But the daily is somewhat lackluster (save-ends wear off too soon, without cheese) unless you have a ranger in the party... and there are encounter equivalents to apply radiant damage you can get elsewhere.

Avatar of Freedom (DP)

The main problem is the Freedom domain is rather lackluster, so it's a wasted feat. The stats match up for Ninjas and Chasers, and the daily power is awesome minor leading... but this is a leader minor Destiny, not a striker one. (Ok, the level 30 feature is nice. But level 30 features frequently are.)

Avatar of Hope (DP)

The main problem is the Hope domain is rather lackluster, so it's a wasted feat. The stats don't quite match up. Save for the paladin.

Avatar of Justice (DP)

The stats work for Martyrs, controllers, and Unitarians, but the features are not anywhere near what they should be, and the utility power should be an encounter, not a daily.

Avatar of Life (DP)

Martyrs would like the Utility power, but not as much as they'd like Demigod's Utility power, and Demigod's got better stat bumps.

Avatar of Storm (DP)

This is for Sorcerers, for some reason. But they'll love it.

Avatar of War (DP)

Crit Fisherman like this because of the boost to War's Channel Divinity power. But they like Eternal Seeker more.

Champion of Prophecy (EPG)

The stat buffs aren't quite as nice as Demigod, but for everyone but Martyrs, it'll do. You don't have any daily powers to kill for ... so go take Demigod instead. Better in LFR because of the long adventuring days, but LFR isn't going to have Epic play for a while yet.

Dead God Avatar (D390)

The star here is the utility power, which adds 20 to your Painful Oath damage for two turns (and 10 to your lightsaber damage for a turn), and is an encounter power. And has another nice kicker. +2 to Wisdom doesn't exactly suck either.

Demigod/Chosen (PHB/FRPG/DP)

Was the generic default until X arrived. Now overshadowed. The Chosen Epic Destiny is basically the same, except that they replaced the broken regeneration utility power with god-specific different utility power, some less broken some even more ( Chosen of Erathis + Relentless Assault Fun Times). Generally has the same rating.

Deadly Trickster (PHB)

The rerolls are less important for you than for others but are still good. The "don't expend power on 18+" feature is pure gold. Don't expend your power, 28% of the time.

Destined Scion (HotFK)

+2 to two stats, and another +1 to hit on top. Boring as all get out, but rather effective.

Eternal Seeker (PHB)

Infinite flexibility in power selection isn't bad. Pick up all the multi-attack powers you can find, end up with 0-2 Avenger attack powers. Just don't die, because you don't get an immortality feature until level 30, and you might want to poach something else instead.

Exalted Angel (DP)

An epic destiny that can't even give straight flight. If you need to fly, buy some boots. If you need to be an angel, be a Favored Soul (Paragon Path) instead. MoDs might like for the extra defense, but that doesn't hit till 30.

Fury of the Wild (PP,Primal)

+2 Wis, your crits do a nice chunk to all the enemies you haven't gotten to yet, and the power is an encounter one round nice bonus (+Wis to damage, +2 to hit, more). Not shabby. You'll probably need to be either a Warden or Barbarian to qualify, but the Barbarians MC feat is rather nice anyway.

Glorious Spirit (PHB2,Primal)

You have to be Primal to get in, there's no "Once a Day when you die" feature, and the best part is, as usual, a broken level 30 feature. But it gives s splash of striker bonus damage, which is always at least decent, and gives good mobility (1/enc LoS teleport, at-will fly 6 as IR). For the level 30 feature: Remember you choose the die and are not required to use the higher one, and remember that you should have a large number of fight-long buff powers disguised as daily attacks.

Invincible Vanguard (MP2,Martial)

The Str-boost is rather irrelevant (unless it qualifies you for Power Attack), but invigorating Overwhelming Strike is pretty nice, is as being able to take an action after a charge. As is a daily stance that adds 12 or 24 damage to a crit (depending on GM interpretation). The level 30 feature doesn't break the game in half, which is a nice change, but is still very nice for positioning.

Punisher of the Gods (D372)

Very thematic. The Dragon Annual version is still very good, but the January 2010 Errata version doesn't recharge, so only helps you beat on one target/encounter. While that's decent, that's not great, and so I no longer suggest PotG.

Radiant One(D366)

Secondary stat to damage, frequently. Action advantage, and a utility power that means you still get your "got hit" bonuses but only take 45% of the damage. The thing here is that the current wording of the +DPR feature doesn't limit it to hits, or damage rolls, or anything really. If you do any damage instance, you do extra Fire&Radiant damage. So the power of the ED is really a function of your optimization level.

Sage of Ages(AP)

The extra die each round further increases your chances to hit/crit, and the 26th utility power gives a lot of good survival stuff if you can make a ridiculously high Arcana check. Less blatantly broken than pre-errata PotG or Eternal Seeker, yet just about as good for Int based Arcana types.

Saint (DP)

It's a good Epic Destiny, but you don't have the healing powers to take advantage of it, nor the Charisma, etc. Let your Cleric or Paladin take it.

Thief of Legend(D388)

From a purely mechanical basis, it's really just black . +2 Dex,Wis, and a very niche daily utility. However the flavor quotient is huge, and the level 30 basically reads "permament Invisibility" if you want it to.

Racial EDs

Raven Consort (D372,Shadar-Kai)

+2 Con isn't too relevant. Death's Companions is ... Utterly awesome and broken. But assuming your DM nerfs that, on the whole there are better options. Unless you optimize the heck out of your death save and can stay conscious while in negatives.. Then this is as good as it gets.

Disincarnate (D385,Deva)

+2 Wis/Int (or Wis/Any, but let's be real here. You're a Deva Avenger). The Veil is only useful against things you could kill anyway, but you're an Epic Avenger... that's a lot of things. Fate Manipulation is handy. The Don't die feature is nice, and the level 30 feature is at a suitable "almost broken" level. Nice.

Soul of the World (D385,Deva)

You're a Deva who wanted to be a Half-Elf? Not too late. You don't get a Str Boost (+Int/Wis), but you do get two stat boosts, and can pick up Hurricane of Blades , Oak Hammer Rage , and another Barbarian daily if you want. Or Twin Strike at level 24, and Followup Blow , Cascade of Blades , and you choice of encounter powers. Or if you want to keep your ability scores normal, also add "elven swordmage" to your identity for Giant's Might and Quicksilver Stance . Githzeria Blade Master ? You get the idea.