Paragon Paths

Paragon paths tend to be built based on two criteria. Most paths will be based on one of the following two, but not both.

Since I have no idea what you consider to be cool, I'm going to focus on what they do mechanically. Since the Avenger is a striker, I'm going to put on the Striker lens when I evaluate paragon paths. If a path makes a decent leader, for example, I may point that out, but it's rating will suffer about one grade unless it also makes a decent striker.

The Avenger paths range from bad to great , but only pursuit gets a great option. There is also one diety-specific paragon paths (Amaunator) that make it there, and if you're willing to multiclass, you've got many more great choices.

If you want a pure Avenger PP, and are limited to published books (and you're taken the Censure of Pursuit), then look at Ardent Champion. Also be sure to check out your racial PP (or any racial PP you qualify for, for the Revenants or Half-Elves among you). Some of them don't suck. Traveler's Harlequin (D382) can also work decently, although the features are a bit weak.

The short lists for the various builds are over in the Archetype section. Contrary to popular opinion, and perhaps the overall tone of this guide, the second tier choices are usually quite competitive with the top-tier choices, so don't worry about it too much if you find a path you like the flavor of. But be wary of any Purple paths... some paths really are as bad as I claim.