9. Godsworn

The Godsworn feats and powers were introduced in Dragon 384. The basic idea is a feat and a set of powers that match a deity's theme. The feats generally trigger off of crits (something an Avenger does a lot of), and the powers require the feat. The powers are upgradable (a sidebar just changes the damage expression to something more suitable for the level). All in all, this is not a great collection. All the attack powers are ranged, which is an automatic warning sign. The good news is that since they require the feat, they won't pollute your view in the builder. I've organized these by diety.


Godsworn Alacrity (D384,feat)

Crits give you +2 to speed.

Alacritous Assault (D384,e3)

For Unitarians. The shifting is an effect, so it doesn't matter that you missed.

Freedom Step (D384,u6e)

Good mobility power, good defensive "stop sucking" power. Good power.

Avandra's Footseps (D384,d9)

+3 to speed beats Aspect of Might's +2, but AoM's +2 damage, +5 athletics, and a 3{W} melee attack beat this like a rented mule.


Godsworn Defender (D384,feat)

Crits give an ally +2 to defences for a turn.

Seal of Scales (D384,e3)

One ally gets a +2 power bonus to defences. And you missed an attack. Compare to Lunar Strike, and cry.

Platinum Pride (D384,u6d)

+2 defences for an encounter, but only against meddlers. That's what defenders are for, you should try working with them instead of taking this power.

Bahamut's Wing (D384,d9)

"Until the end of the encounter" means a little less when you remember you only have 3 encounter avenger powers. +1? SRSLY?


Godsworn Sidestep (D384,feat)

You're already next to your Oath of Enmity target, right? So this just teleports you to a different square.

Strike of Perfect Beauty (D384,e3)

One ally does some extra damage. But you know, if you'd actually hit , you'd have done extra damage.

Symmetric Harmony (D384,u6e)

If you can roll twice, the square you're in is good enough. So the "on miss" part is useless... and the on-miss part is the one you're more likely to see in a given encounter.

Corellon's Evasion (D384,d9)

Charger's like 3 rounds of bouncing off to charge again. But not enough to take this power.


Godsworn Assault (D384,feat)

Give one ally +1 to hit. At +2 I might notice, at +1, not so much. At least the range is nice.

Enlightened Strike (D384,e3)

The +1 to hit for an ally doesn't excuse the drop in damage from you missing. If the ally hitting is that important, the correct answer is "aid another" for +2 to hit.

Light of Civilization (D384,u6e)

Aid Another ally hit with an important attack, by hitting with your attack.

Erathis's Coordination (D384,d9)

3 chances to Aid Another to hit, by hitting yourself.


Godsworn Mentalist (D384,feat)

Extra damage on a crit is never a bad thing. If the powers opened up were decent, I'd rate this higher. But they aren't.

Mind-rending Assault (D384,e3)

One ally does some extra damage. But you know, if you'd actually hit , you'd have done extra damage.

Prescient Knowledge (D384,u6e)

If you worship Ioun, you probably are a Martyr. And Martyrs should be able to moderate the amount of attacks they take. This will help.

Ioun's Irrefutable Logic (D384,d9)

An encounter long buff, but only on encounters? Weird.


Godsworn Avalanche (D384,feat)

A crit pushes secondary stat. If you can knock prone on a crit (Assault Boots), then you're wasting someone's turn, and that's always good. Otherwise it's just for Chasers who want some range to charge.

Strike from the Mountaintop (D384,e3)

By the time you have an ally with enough attacks for +2 to damage for a turn to justify you giving up your oath, they'll have something else that will give them a bigger power bonus to damage than +2.

Implaccable Mountain (D384,u6e)

Those conditions suck, so powers that prevent them rock.

Kord's Storm (D384,d9)

So far I recall one multi-attack power that would make this not suck. But it's a daily, not an encounter. At 9/18/27 extra damage total, they could have just added some d12s and been more direct about it.


Godsworn Tidedancer (D384,feat)

Better than Sidestep, because the crit might have dropped your Oath target, and thus the shift will let you get next to someone else. But I'd expect Chargers are the most interested, to break off so they can charge again.

Tidal Shift (D384,e3)

Stick your defender on someone? Giving allies a guarenteed move may be worth doing poor damage for a turn.

Wrath of the Sea (D384,u6d)

Encounters were you get bloodied are ones were doing Wis_Mod extra damage will rock. But since stances drop when you go unconscious, for dead avengers only.

Melora's Inexorable Tide (D384,d9)

Excuse me? Why do you have enemies other than your Oath of Enmity target next to you when you're landing attacks. There needs to be a color worse than red.


Godsworn Bulwark (D384,feat)

Score a crit for +2 to defenses. That's not to bad, especially as critting a lot may draw attention.

Strike of the Forgehammer (D384,e3)

Leader minor. Giving an ally a save may be worth doing poor damage for a turn.

Breath of Creation (D384,u6d)

Surgeless healing, as a minor. Not great, but not horrid.

Moradin's Stalwart Shield (D384,d9)

Resist all Wis_Mod is pretty good. It's better when it's 3 times an encounter.


Godsworn Radiant (D384,feat)

Extra damage on a crit is never a bad thing. If the powers opened up were decent, I'd rate this higher. But they aren't.

Sun of the Heaven's Strike (D384,e3)

One ally does some extra damage. But you know, if you'd actually hit , you'd have done extra damage.

Wrath of the Sea (D384,u6d)

So conditional as to be useless. Try buying sunrods instead.

Pelor's Divine Fire (D384,d9)

So far I recall one multi-attack power that would make this not suck. But it's a daily, not an encounter. At 9/18/27 extra damage total, they could have just added some d12s and been more direct about it.

Raven Queen

Godsworn Fatalist (D384,feat)

Extra damage on a crit is never a bad thing. If the powers opened up were decent, I'd rate this higher. But they aren't.

Chill of Winter's Bite (D384,e3)

One ally does some extra damage. But you know, if you'd actually hit , you'd have done extra damage.

Shroud of Winter (D384,u6e)

Insubstantial is the key here, for martyrs... but then concealment hurts. It's still good for anyone else that's about to get beat on.

The Raven Queen's Decay (D384,d9)

An encounter long damage boost, that only helps encounter powers? I'm confused.


Godsworn Mystic (D384,feat)

Score a crit for +2 to defenses, targeted attacks only. That's not to bad, especially as critting a lot may draw attention.

Lunar Strike (D384,e3)

One ally goes invisible. At worst, that's +5 to defenses for a turn. At best, that's another chance for sneak attack. Nice leader power, kept down to blue because you're a striker

Veil of the Moon (D384,u6e)

There is are other utility powers that do this, and don't require an entry feat.

Sehanine's Misdirection (D384,d9)

Going invisible 3 times in one encounter isn't too bad. You'll lose hidden at the start of your turn though, unless you find some other concealment.