
This is a dump of the full D&D 4e Avenger's Handbook (including the sections missing from the EN World version - Feats, Gear etc). Full disclaimer that I haven't changed any of the content beyond making some very minor edits, I just reformatted and uploaded it to this site.

There are quite a few things in this guide that I personally disagree with after playing my own Avenger to level 15 (why on earth is Wings of Light purple when it gives you flight and 3[w] as a D1??), and also a few sections that seem to be incomplete (I've generally tried to mark those as 'TBC'). 

Hope you enjoy! - Drew

Righteous Wrath: The Avenger's Handbook

"Well, there's this passage I've got memorized, sorta fits the occassion.  Ezekiel 25:17?"

"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men.  Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children.  

And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers!  And you will Know I am the lord, when I lay my vengeance upon thee."

- Jules Winnfield, Pulp Fiction

Why Play an Avenger? 

If so, you might want to be an avenger.  But call now, supplies are limited!  Also, if you like

Then you might want to be an Avenger.  Call now!

If you want to be tricky and fool people, the Rogue is over thataway.  If you want to randomly do insane amounts of damage in a round, the Barbarian is the other way.  If you want to Win D&D combat encounters, I think you know where to find the Ranger.  If you like your waifs knowing Kung-Fu, there's the monk, and the Assassin gets even more Ninja-ness than the Avenger.  So that should cover most of the competition.

(Call now!)

Formatting notes 

This page is the overview page of a fairly comprehensive guide to building Avengers for 4th Edition D&D.  Much of the guide will be written in the first person, and represents the subjective opinions of the author(s).  This ain't Wikipedia.  I don't see any way to lock pages, so I don't think I can prevent people from ripping out everything and replacing it with inappropriate pictures... so don't do that. k'thx.

This guide uses the traditional CharOp color coding standards for ratings:

I have generally avoided the new scheme of Gold for now, but do sometimes use Gold to indicate feat taxes and other mandatory elements.

In general, things that are black, blue, or sky blue are all things you can choose.  You may avoid a sky-blue selection if it doesn't fit your character.  It's still a choice.  If you don't take things that are gold, you won't fulfill your function.

Sometimes very good options will be rated red.  That's because there's some other option that is strictly better (better in all ways, worse in no ways).  In this situation, the rating will point out the other choice.  Sometimes things that are red are actually decent at what they do, but they promote bad tactics.  They get downgraded to represent the negative second-order effects.  And sometimes they just suck.

Options that are underlined are links to the entry in the Compendium (D&D Insider access required).

Ratings are on an "average, but interested" basis.  So for example, a feat to help chasers is rated assuming you have Censure of Pursuit and a high dexterity.  As another example, in the at-will power section, there are a lot of blue powers that require Intelligence.  So a weapon focused Censure of Pursuit Avenger will have to pass them by and pick up a purple power instead.  They are blue for people who are interested, but not universally.


I have a few biases of note:

Table of Contents 


Avenger/Overview|Overview (Role, Class Features)




Avenger/Powers|Powers(Heroic, Paragon, Epic, Multiclass powers worth poaching)

Avenger/PP|Paragon Paths

Avenger/ED|Epic Destinies

Avenger/Feats|Feats (Heroic, Paragon, Epic, Racial)

Avenger/Equipment|Equipment (by slot)

Avenger/Notes|Notes (Notes, Tactics, other resources)

This Handbook covers the following sources:


Todo List: