6. Skill


Agile Recovery (PHB3, u2)

Good for Martyrs... but so are Acrobat Boots. And Acrobat boots don't replace any of your great level 2 utility powers.

Dodge Step (PHB3, u6)

Might help you keep your oath, but only against one enemy per combat, and only if you have some place to shift to.

Graceful Maneuver (PHB3, u6)

Shift half your speed. Not bad, if you didn't/won't pick up the shift+phase powers at 3rd and 7th.

Perfect Balance (PHB3, u6)

It's green, but I don't think the situation it solves comes up that much.

Tumbling Dodge (PHB3, u6)

A reason to train Acrobatics. II for +1->+4 AC against an attack, as an encounter power. It's not shield, but it's pretty good.

Drop and Roll (PHB3, u1)

Shift 3 after falling... but only if you only fell 10 feet. Worth more if you have a cool DM, and can talk them into including the shift 3 when "falling" from furniture or other prop elements of the battlefield.

Rapid Escape (PHB3, u1)

Escape from grabs as a Minor action. You should have enough teleport/phasing to get out of grabs anyway.

Reflexive Dodge (PHB3, u16)

Another reason to train/pump acrobatics. DR equal to have your skill check, plus movement. Monster damage really doesn't scale with skill checks, so this may negate damage when you use it, which is worth an encounter power.


Two of these really want you to have high Arcana checks. And that's a feature. (Sage of Ages, after all).

Arcane Senses (PHB3, u2)

Detect Invisible creatures, as long as they are elemental, fey, or shadow. You don't know what squares they are in, you just get a census. And since the range can quickly become silly-huge, it's even less helpful than that. Since even Ioun doesn't ask their avengers to take the census... pass. 

Arcane Mutterings (PHB3, u2)

Hit any of 3 social skills with a skill you might end up specializing in? Yes please?

Experienced Arcana (PHB3, u6)

If you use rituals (via a Wizard or Invoker MC feat?), then this is blue . Half cost rituals, and a double roll (and bonus) to the arcana check. But it's not nice enough to get you to pick up ritual casting on it's own.

Insightful Warning (PHB3, u6)

If the DM lets you use this after you know the roll, it's better. Without that, +2 isn't a big enough bonus, even if it is for your entire party.

Elemental Countermeasures (PHB3, u1)

Again, resist a common set of damage types using a skill you've possibly cranked? Bonus.


Bounding Leap (PHB3, u2)

Make a jump without getting a running start. Handy, but quickly ages out and will be replaced with something else.

Scrambling Climb (PHB3, u2)

This serves the same purpose as a fly power in Heroic. Again, ages out rapidly.

Mighty Sprint (PHB3, u6)

You've generally got enough mobility you won't need this. Frequently huge moves are needed for walking around barriers... you should be able to walk through them.

Sudden Leap (PHB3, u6)

The fluff talks about running around, but the mechanics suggest jumping over. Either way, hit a reasonable DC to "shift" to any square adjacent to the creature as a move action. Eh. Again, you've got attack powers that do that. But if you're finding you're running out (or if you'd rather just spam Twin-Strike all day than use Avenger encounter powers), here's another solution.

Incredible Strike (PHB3, u10 )

+4 to speed for an encounter ain't shabby.


Deep Shadows (PHB3, u2)

It would be great were it green, but it's red. Using stealth as a strategy usually requires multiple checks, outside of a skill encounter.

Otherworldy Lore (PHB3, u2)

Make a knowledge check as a minor instead of a free (??), but give any ally +4 TH for one attack. but only against Aberrant creatures. Bleh.

Eyes of the Deep Delver (PHB3, u6)

Blindsight? Baby.

Stonecunning (PHB3, u6)

You trained Perception already. Were it green, it would give a skill pack if you ended up trained in Dungeoneering for some reason. But it's not.

Trap Sense (PHB3, u10)

You know that annoying way traps never target your enemies? Fix that. Better for RPGA than most home games, I think.


These are frequently based off your Constitution score, which makes them less useful.

Endure Pain (PHB3, u2 )

Resist all 5+Con_mod for one turn. Not worth a daily power.

Invigorating Presence (PHB3, u2 )

Leader power. 10+Con_Mod is nice, but that's for others. You just get to spend a surge. And it's a standard action for that.

Third Wind (PHB3, u6 )

Spend a surge, as a daily power. Feels weak. And no one's going to spend their standard action to give the Avenger a heal... that's what you do for the controller in the opening of the battle or the leader at the end of the battle. For your portion of the battle (rounds 2-6) a second-wind and leader powers should suffice.

Walk it off (PHB3, u6)

Free saves to avoid Ongoing are nice. But ongoing isn't the condition that concerns you the most.

Reactive Surge (PHB3, u10)

Spend a surge when bloodied. As an encounter power, very nice.

Diehard (PHB3, u16 )

More or less the Revenant's trick, minus the feat cost. Not bad, and flavorful.


More powers for the leader that you're not.

Healer's Gift (PHB3, u2)

Standard Action to allow someone dying to spend a surge. They had better be really valuable to be worth that... since the DC for giving them their second wind is only 10 or so, and you've got a high Wisdom score.

Delay Poison (PHB3, u6)

Adventure dependant. If you're fighting Drow , it's more valuable than if you're fighting undead. Remember, immune to a keyword also means you ignore the conditions tacked on... so while ignoring the damage wouldn't be interesting because of the type limitation, ignoring the effects can be.

Physician's Care (PHB3, u6)

Standard Action to allow someone to spend a surge. High action cost.

Swift Recovery (PHB3, u6)

A minor action to give an ally something that's usually a standard action. This isn't a horrible trade, especially if the ally if a warden

Time Out (PHB3, u10)

Refresh an ally's second wind. More helpful if the ally is a dwarf, or there's another way to trigger it without a standard action.

Miraculous Treatment (PHB3, u16 )

Overshadowed by Physician's Care , which is already purple, and 10 levels lower.


Legend Lore (PHB3, u2)

All knowledge checks are history. But you've already got Religion, and if you have a high intelligence you may pick up Arcana anyway.

Perfect Recall (PHB3, u2 )

Um, nice. Except you never make Intelligence checks. And I don't mean you, I mean no one in the game ever makes intelligence checks.

Strategist's Epiphany (PHB3, u2 )

Use History for initiative for a battle. Uncanny Instincts is a 10th level perception skill power to do the same thing.

Historical Revelation (PHB3, u6)

Rule permission to substitute History for any other Knowledge check, with a reroll. Not bad, for monster knowledge or RPGA.

Tactician's Measure (PHB3, u10)

Like another skill power, a free shift when an enemy moves adjacent once/encounter isn't bad, but it's not worth a 10th level utility power slot either.


Anticipate Maneuver (PHB3, u2)

Reverse Bluff. CA, once/encounter. But ... you could have used a class power to turn invisible. Which gives CA once/encounter.

Empathic Read (PHB3, u6 )

Allow an ally to reroll a social skill. Good for skill challenges, especially if you have a party member who is making skill checks they are not good at.

Insightful Counter (PHB3, u6)

You don't grant CA. If you're granting CA, you're usually more concerned about the fact that you're not getting rerolls than the damage you're gonna take.

Prescient Maneuver (PHB3,  u6)

Chaser, the Skill Power. Except triggered more generally. You've still got better class powers.

Insightful Comment (PHB3, u10)

Good for skill challenges. Give a big boost to common social skills.

Prescient Defense (PHB3, u10)

Only worth looking at if your DM tells you what he rolled to attack. +2 won't come up every encounter.

Insightful Riposte (PHB3, u16)

Good for the power attackers... or fey-chargers, or others who want to guarantee they never miss at all, for style reasons.


Except for Try the Stick , these don't require you to actually make any checks, so the fact that your Cha isn't so hot is rather irrelevant. Everybody Move might make Intimidate worth training.

Ominous Threat (PHB3, u2)

Gives you a 1/encounter mark. Handy for Defender minors.

Demoralize Foe (PHB3, u6)

The target takes a -2 penalty to hit, which only really matters for controllers or AoE artillerty

Everybody Move (PHB3, u6)

Divine Rage, the skill power?!

Try the Stick (PHB3, u6)

Not that your diplomacy is hot.. but neither is your Intimidate. Unless you're a Str-secondary wearing a Cincture of the Dragon Spirit . Then this might be worth looking at.

Snap Out of It (PHB3, u10)

The visual makes this great.. but giving an ally a free save against crippling effects doesn't exactly suck.


Most of these don't require a check, which is a shame because you DO have a high modifier here. There are two really good level 10 options, that required me to go and adjust ratings of your class utility powers.

Far Sight (PHB3, u2)

What's this "Ranged Weapon Attack" they are talking about? Better for Archers , but it's still not great for them. Rolling twice takes care of most of the penalties.

Guided Shot (PHB3, u6)

Effectively, give an ally +2 to hit for one attack/encounter. That's helpful.

Trapfinding (PHB3, u6)

Two things:

Warning of Peril (PHB3,u6d)

Spec 1-3h3 could use this. Otherwise I've never seen a need.

Focused Sight (PHB3, u10)

It's a minor action that provokes, so be careful. And then it gives +2 to +5 to hit, if you were otherwise taking penalties. The "for two turns" part is good. But then look at Perfect Sight right beside it. Odds are really good that blindsight will fill the same role, and it doesn't provoke, and helps against multiple enemies for the duration, and doesn't require you to still know which square to attack.

Perfect Sight (PHB3, u10)

Blightsight? Ok.

Spot Weakness(PHB3, u10)

+4 damage, as a minor. Bah.

Uncanny Instincts (PHB3, u10 )

One encounter per day, you and another go first. Wood Elves can do this every battle as a racial substitution.


Only one requires an actual intelligence modifier.

Faith Healing (PHB3, u2 )

Another way to spend a standard action to heal someone. Still a trap for you.

Censure the Unholy (PHB3, u6)

Divine Rage , the undead edition. With a +2 bonus to defenses. The Undead is the only bad part, but that's a pretty bad limitation if you're not in an undead heavy game.

Theologian's Shield (PHB3, u6)

Two turns of Resist-decent. Necrotic is a rather common damage type, so this should come up some.

Conviction (PHB3, u10)

Shame it's a Minor Action. Not an Action would be great for Death Saves or Stunned. Free would work better for Dazed. But +5 to a save is a large bonus.

Recitation (PHB3, u10 )

+1 to hit for an encounter. Best for Unity, because they are usually already in scrums, and it's a small area.


For the Ninjas, obviously.

Obscured Avoidance (PHB3, u2)

Being marked usually isn't that big a deal for you.

Concealed Shift (PHB3, u6)

A out-of-turn 1 square shift might move you from cover to total-cover... allowing you to stealth at the start of your turn.

Shrouding Gloom (PHB3, u6)

Use mere cover to make a stealth check? Handy, and saves a move action.

Crowd Cover (PHB3, u10)

Gain concealment from enemies... and if you focus on your AC, good odds the attacker will in fact hit someone else on team monster.

Persistent Tail (PHB3, u1)

Ready a move action to sprint ahead when your target moves, and get a "only cover required" stealth check at the end of it. Nice. Nicer out of combat.


City Rat (PHB3, u2)

Use Cha instead of Dex for steath? Er, no.

Nose for trouble (PHB3, u2 )

I like this family of "use a skill for initiative" powers, but one where the skill is based on Cha seems like a poor fit for you.

City Dweller (PHB3, u6)

Use Cha instead of Str/Dex/Wis for Athletics/Acrobatics/Perception? Er, no.

Slow Pursuit (PHB3, u6)

If it weren't for the Urban Environment requirement, it could be decent. A blast of difficult terrain could get you another round of oath in some situations.

Navigate Crowds (PHB3, u10)

You should have some powers that don't just allow you to move through enemies' spaces, but also allow you to move through walls. Those are nicer than this.


Fast Hands (PHB3, u2)

Cheaper than a Disembodied hand familiar.

Lock Tap (PHB3, u2)

Open a lock as a minor. That beats the two standards normally required to beat a door down, but only if you get a good roll.

Quick Palm (PHB3, u2)

Slight of Hand as a minor.

Hasty Retreat (PHB3, u6)

Whoops. But traps don't actually go off from thievery checks that often, in my experience. They usually go off because you stepped on them... and this doesn't protect then.

Quick Switch (PHB3, u6)

Trade places with an ally? Or just move one, but leave the ally in place to protect your flank. Or move an ally out of a grab. Lots of uses.

Stolen Defense (PHB3, u6)

Give an ally CA. I don't think it's worth the opportunity cost.

Disruptive Stunt (PHB3, u10)

This is a nice Martyr stunt, assuming positioning works. Start adjacent to a target (because it's melee 1 range). Move your speed (6-7) through the target's space, so obviously you have a lot of spare movement to use to provoke OAs. You don't provoke from the target, and you have to end adjacent to the target. So ... you can collect a lot of attacks. Just make sure you have some Damage Resistance up first.