
Lycans want Claw Gloves . Others don't really prioritize this item slot.


Antipathy Gloves(AV,10)

Enemies can't shift into place to deny you your oath. Have a harder time walking into place. We're done here.

Claw Gloves(AV2,4)

Lycans only. 1d10 static is just silly, but it only hits at 10th level...

Gauntlets of Brutality(AV2,17)

You're a Moonstalker with an Axe. Headsman's Chop gives a nice damage boost when you hit prone creatures, these gloves give you nice damage bonus when you hit prone creatures, and your PP gives you nice damage bonus when you hit prone creatures, and Reaving Axe Brute gives you a bonus attack if they stand up. Now, if there were only an Axe-Spear combination weapon that could be made staggering and used with Polearm Momentum to bring all these damage sources together. Oh, wait. There is.

Gauntlets of Destruction(PHB,18)

Brutal-1, the item. Prefer brutal 2 weapons, but these should work on Crit Dice. Better for Spiked Chains and Falchions.

Gauntlets of Blood(AV2&HotFL,4/14/24)

Untyped bonus to damage to help you finish off things. It strikes me as a bit of "Win More" (i.e., helping you when you don't actually need help, but failing to help you when you do need the help), but it's a bigger boost than most anything else you'll find here.

Gloves of Ice(AV2,11,21)

Make Frost-cheese even a bit cheesier and tastier. 2/4 more static, or avoid cold resistance. Most of you prefer Radiant Cheese, however.

Many-Fingered Gloves(AV2,20)

How many War Rings did you want to wear, again? Expect your DM's cheese meter to peg.

Shadowdancer's Gloves(AV2,11)

An extra 1d6 damage on a fairly common condition. At least if you're a ninja.



Get hit, hit back, encounter power. Also a bonus on OAs that you'll forget.

Gauntlets of Blinding Strikes(AV,11)

Twin Fang Strike, the item daily power (at -2 to hit).

Vampiric Gauntlets(AV,16)

At level 16, I don't care how many dice you get to throw or how nice the hit effect is, +4 vs. Reflex isn't gonna land.