
What should I smite with? (Weapon Types)

The DPR of the Fullblade , the Execution Axe , and the Gouge are about identical (Ex. Axe has a slight lead in most situations, Fullblade applies kickers a bit more frequently). So those form the top tier, and are the default "generic" choice. Of those, in paragon the Gouge has a slight lead, due to the ability to have Overwhelming Strike target reflex.

Chargers want spears, so they can target Reflex and use Surprising Charge. The preferred spear would be the Gouge , or the Greatspear .

Elves might want to be from Valenar, and use Falchions. See the racial feats section. It's not a signficant improvement, it's just a different look that helps a tiny bit.

Weird (Twin-striking) builds can make a case for Double-Axes, Spiked Chains, or even Double Scimitars (Valenar, again). Archers use Greatbows or Hand Crossbows.

Other than that, use what you think is cool, but prefer bigger average damage weapons since hitting is your striker class feature.


Items where the attractions are properties that can be used continuously. DPR focus is the most common.

At low levels, whatever you find is likely what you want. Vicious is easy to find in LFR. At mid levels, Jagged looks good, because you can get it before you can get a crit range. Melegaunt's Darkblade is superior to Jagged if you want to use a sword (the dice damage will be more than the ongoing, on average, given elites and solos).

At high levels, your default choice is likely either a Rending axe. If your DM doesn't like the " Painful Oath gives Radiant keyword" ruling, then you'll likely want a lightsaber, given the radiant feats. Ardent Champions (or anyone else with a really good crit range) is actually better off with Bloodiron , some War rings, and exactly one way to get an extra attack on a crit.

Assassin's (AV,Light Blade)

A "big crit" weapon for the Ninja, but it isn't really a big-crit weapon. Assuming standard monsters, it works out to about d6/plus. So this is a more expensive "magic" with a minor daily power that sucks against elites and solos.

Avalanche Hammer (AV,Any Melee)

Bonus damage on a charge for the chaser. Loses value though, as it's never more than 1{W}, and it can't be used with "can use on charge" powers, just melee basic attacks. It also requires hammers, and is rather expensive (+3). If you still have it by Epic, you'll probably want to change over to a Thundergod Weapon.

Battlecrazed (AV,Axe,Heavy Blade)

The property is +Tier-d6, but only while bloodied. That's just about as good as pre-nerf Bloodclaw, except that it doesn't kick in at the start of the battle. The daily that makes you count as bloodied means it also counts as a utility item. If you want to use this for Nova purposes, consider picking up a cheap Bloodfury Handaxe.

Blade of Night (AV,Light Blade)

The crit property is really nice. The daily might get someone to run... But it's still a light blade.

Bloodiron (AV,Any)

The critical damage is basically +2d10/plus, and that's really good. Whether it's better than Rending/Harmony Blade depends on your normal hit rate and the size of your basic attack.

Carnage Weapon(DSCS,Axe,Heavy Blade,Mace)

For falchion users, it basically averages out to adding your enhancement bonus again to your statics. (on 2d4, your chance of rolling max on either of them is around 40%. On bigger-W powers, higher. So figuring you'll get the bonus half the time?) On a crit, you'll need the high-crit dice to get the bonus because non-rolled die can't trigger the property. If you're not using a 2d4 weapon (ie, a Falchion), though, I wouldn't look here.

Cunning(AV,Any Melee)

What controllers use. But to use it as your implement (which is where most of your save-ends powers are), you need to be a hybrid swordmage.

Dread (AV,Any)

The crit property is nice, which is why I moved it here. If you crit (or use the daily power), your target is going to suck for a round. Which is nice, but dead targets suck more. Bloodiron might be better.

Earth-Wrought (AV2,Hammer)

No critical damage, but knocks prone. Moonstalkers like this, most others pass.

Firewind Blade(HotEC,Heavy Blades)

The issue here is that the damage is another damage instance, and isn't limited per turn. Combines rather well with Radiant One and a radiant vulnerability. (Doesn't combine with Hell's Burning Mark , because the damage is from a property, not "your attack"). Pretty much useless earlier on though, as you basically have no fire powers, and since this competes with a Flaming Weapon , basically no way to get them.

Graceful Weapon(AV,Blades,Flails, or Spears)

Once your Dex modifier gets to be significant, this turns into a big-crit weapon. Vicious is cheaper, common, and works well with RRoT. Once your dex mod hits 7, this does more damage, and has a daily power that's doesn't suck (free easily triggered MBA)

Great Hunger(AV2,Any Melee)

Each crit adds 1{W} to the next crit. Cumulatively. In a crit-happy build, that could just plain get insane... Until you are well into the land of "wins more"

Harmony Blade (AV2,Heavy Blade)

Like Rending , but with Heavy Blades, your off hand, and an extra property for twin-striking Half-elves. Kinda Spensive (+3), but likely worth it. Like Rending , RAW keeps it from being hit by the 1/turn free-action attack nerf, but RAI and your DM may disagree.

Holy Avenger (PHB,Axe,Hammer,Heavy Blade)

Since you have a radiant at-will power, the bonus damage should kick in a lot. Especially by the time you can find one, since at that point you should be deep in the radiant feat package. But boy it's expensive.

Jagged (AV,Axes,Heavy Blades)

The bonus damage on a crit isn't that much (ongoing doesn't stack, and it's about 1d6/plus on average anyway). But boy do you love that expanded crit range, especially before epic. If your DM lets you shop in Dungeon Magazine, look at Melegaunt's Darkblade instead (Dun177)

Mage's (AV,Any)

For when you'd rather push Weapon Proficiency off a few levels. But eventually you'll want a better property, and you can just take Weapon Proficiency as a feat. So do.

Melegaunt's Darkblade(Dun177,Blades)

It's Jagged, but with better critical dice (assuming you hit some Elites or Solos). Same cost, same lowest level. The only reason it doesn't obsolete Jagged is that it doesn't come on axes, and it's in Dungeon.

Radiant (AV,Any)

Pure DPR: double up on the enhancement bonus to damage. For even more fun, add the radiant keyword to your powers, is nice if you have multiple attacks per turn, and some radiant tricks. 'Spensive (+4), but worth it (and also frees up your arm slot). While you're at it, buy a Siberys Shard of Radiance (EPG) for even more DPR.


The critical damage is another attack . That is all. Ok, It's not, I lied. After July 2010, you can only get one free action attack per turn. Technically, Rending is a no-action, so it escapes that rule. However I'm personally expecting an errata, and your DM may also disagree with that rules-laywering. If so, if you have a feat ( TWO ), feature ( Ardent Champion ), or some other way of getting a free attack on a crit, Rending gets devalued.

Subtle(AV,Amy Melee)

Static damage for DPR, but requires CA and is an Item bonus. Ouch. Ninjas like it more, but Ninjas are likely better off with Iron Armbands and a different enhancement.

Thundergod Weapon (AV2,Any Melee)

See Vanguard weapon, except that it starts at 1d6, and increases to 2d6 at Epic. So at Epic it's better than Vanguard for chasers, and Vanguard is better everywhere else

Unforgettable Cudgel(AV2,Mace)

Were it not for the "mace" bit there, would likely be Deep Sky Blue or even gold . But only working on maces is rather unforgivable. If you can find it in your heart though (greatclub + Avenging Resolution ), crit on 19+ with your class powers, dazes on a crit, and makes it more reasonable to take ranged powers, all in one affordable package.

Weapon of Oaths Fulfilled (AV2,Any Melee)

Save money on the implement. Protip (for non controllers): save more. Don't take implement powers.

Vampiric (AV,Heavy Blade,Light Blade)

The bad news is that it's moderately expensive, and only does 1d4/plus on a critical. The good news is you heal that amount, so defenderish avengers with a crit-range will be in decent shape.

Vanguard Weapon(AV,Any Melee)

Bonus damage on a charge for the chaser. A bonus 1d8 damage on a charge, no matter what level item it is. Loses value rapidly. In heroic, Avalanche Hammer is better, if you don't mind hammers. If you still have it by Epic, replace with a Thundergod Weapon.


The default big-crit weapon. Bloodiron is better, this works until you can buy one, or if you're PHB only.


Items where the attraction is a power. Perhaps it adds to a Nova, or is tactically useful. If your DM is lactose tolerant, consider buying a cheap set of spiked Gauntlets of Item.

Battlecrazed (AV,Axe,Heavy Blade)

Half-Orcs trigger Feat of Pain for a Nova turn, Longtooth shifters turn on their racial power for the same reason. As a utility item, you're better off with Battlefury though, since that has it as an encounter power. This just also makes a good DPR item.

Berserker (PHB,Axe,Heavy Blade)

The daily power is a good encounter buff for CritFishers who don't have an AC anyway. If everything's gonna hit you on a 2, it's still gonna hit on a 2 after you take a penalty to defenses, and this way you at least some DR to survive longer and some bonus damage. It's very expensive though...

Bloodclaw (AV,Any Melee)

Nerfed hard in December 2009, and it's still blue. Which ought to say something about what it used to be. Once an encounter, get 3*plus bonus damage on a hit. That doesn't suck.

Blood Fury (AV2,Axe,Heavy Blade)

Half-Orcs trigger Feat of Pain for a Nova turn, Longtooth shifters turn on their racial power for the same reason. Battlecrazed has this as a daily power, but adds a nice +Tier-d6 property. So buy the +1 Blood Fury handaxe, to better use your +N Battlecrazed weapon.

Brilliant Energy (AV,Any)

It's expensive (+4), but has a decent crit die, and an encounter power to target Reflex instead of AC. However, Radiant has the same Radiant-keyword at will power, and also adds to your DPR. And costs the same. So go with that instead.

Dancing Weapon (PHB,Blades)

Buy 2. A great use of your daily magic item slot. Given the heavy repetition of "as if you were holding it", I'm pretty sure most DMs will give you your oath rerolls, which means it's great DPR for an encounter. Spensive though, so only buy the +4 versions once you can easily afford them (25+)

Flanking (DP,Any Melee)

As a daily power, you get to flank easier for two turns. And it's pretty expensive for that.

Legendary (AV,Any)

If you throw enough attacks during your nova round that you can expect to crit, have another standard action once per day.

Mauling (AV,Hammer,Heavy Blade,Mace)

A Contruct hating item, and the canonical dwarven lockpicks. The daily power is fun tactically, but isn't good enough to be a daily power. Certainly not at the cost (+2)

Reckless (AV,Any Non-reach)

Once an encounter, get 3*plus bonus damage on a hit. That doesn't suck. Unlike Bloodclaw, you can waste it on a miss...

Tigerclaw Gauntlets (AV,Gauntlets)

For chasers: a charge item power. The crappy damage of spiked gauntlets makes it not so hot, and it's expensive for just a daily power (+2).

Wolfen Weapon(D364,Heavy Blade,Light Blade)

+2 untyped bonus to perception, and a daily power of "my party is not surprised". If your DM won't let it work while sheathed, buy a Ruby Scabbard for your real weapon.