The Chaser

Chasers are focused on charging every turn with Overwhelming Strike . Almost all of your encounter powers are non-standard actions (and can thus be combined with charging) and your Daily powers can be used either via Action Points, or through Temporal Armor

Shallahai the Chaser, level 30

Wilden, Avenger, Ardent Champion, Invincible Vanguard

Avenger's Censure: Censure of Pursuit

Harddy Form: Hardy Form Fortitude


Str 18, Con 15, Dex 24, Int 12, Wis 26, Cha 10.


Str 14, Con 13, Dex 14, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 8.

AC: 44 Fort: 37 Reflex: 39 Will: 44

HP: 203 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 50


Religion +22, Acrobatics +28, Stealth +30, Perception +29, Athletics +25


Arcana +16, Bluff +15, Diplomacy +15, Dungeoneering +23, Endurance +17, Heal +23, History +16, Insight +23, Intimidate +15, Nature +25, Streetwise +15, Thievery +22




Temporal Starweave Armor +6, Horned Helm (epic tier), Strikebacks (heroic tier), Badge of the Berserker +6, Thundergod Gouge +6, Iron Armbands of Power (epic tier), Boots of the Fencing Master, Backlash Tattoo (heroic tier), Symbol of Victory +3, War Ring (paragon tier), Ring of Giant (epic tier), Davros Elden's Defensive Step (heroic tier), Belt of Vim (paragon tier),

Standard Operating Procedure:

Minor: Oath of Enmity

Move: position yourself for charge (using Long Step when needed)

Standard: Charge with free shift/slide

Action Point: Daily for encounter long effect

Out of turn: Pay attention to whether one of your immediate attacks is triggered

Charging Package:

Power of Skill: to use overwhelming strike

Impaling Spear: to attack Ref

Deadly Draw: to get CA from overwhelming strike

Surprising Charge: for +1[[W]] damage

Horned Helm: +3d6 damage

Thundergod Gouge: +2d6 damage

Invigorating Pursuit: for +2 damage and AC

Powerful Charge: for +2 damage

Spear Expertise: for +3 damage

Boots of the Fencing Master: +1 AC/Ref from Overwhelming Striking or Long Stepping

Move Away Motivators:

Slashing Storm: 8 damage for starting adjacent

Decent Defenses: after a charge AC 49/ Fort 39 / Ref 40 / Will 44

Deepening Gloom: big chance of negating an attack by becoming invisible

Vengeful Parry: punishment for having the audicity of attacking you (and negating the attack)

Wrathful Destroyer: punishment for having the audicity of attacking you (even at range)

Strikebacks: punishment for having the audicity of hitting you

Backlash Tattoo: punishment for having the audicity of bloodying you

Forever War: punishment for having the audicity of knocking you out

Invigorating Charge: to hide after having charged

Non-Standard Attacks:

Unstoppable Assault (ED feature)

Forever War (ED feature)

Ardent Fury (PP feature)

Wrathful Destroyer (Wilden racial)


Backlash Tattoo

Fury's Advance

Vengeful Parry

Relentless Stride


Charge: (.91*88.5)+(.22*160)=115.7

Slashing Storm 8

Total 123.7


Combine Rushing Cleats + Polearm Momentum + Kulkor Arms Master so you can use Overwhelming Strike (on a charge) to slide the target 2 (one to the side and 1 in the square you left) to prone it and receive a free MBA 1/round!

Be a half-elf and use Adept Dilettante + Eldritch Strike + White Lotus (Master) Riposte) for a nice catch 22 build or pick up Marauder's Rush instead, so you charges deal 3[W]+3Wis damage in epic!

Pick up a Shadow Band and Superior Fortitude and Superior Reflexes instead of some of the DPR feats to improve your defenses and defend against ongoing damage!