6. Racial

Heroic Tier

Sorry, but I can't easily split these out by race. So this is going to be a little spammy. Some of these ratings suffer from grade inflation. For the most part, the core feats are TOO GOOD to bother getting down to the racial feats. So you'd be looking at a huge mass of black and purple. So I'm using a touch of grade inflation to make the colors more interesting. When you get done and find some racial feats you like, make sure to compare them to the non-racial feats you could have taken instead, and make sure that you still like them.


Improved Razor Storm (MotP)

Makes your razor storm something to actually avoid. Remind any intelligent enemies about the power, and hope the DM has them over react. Feats are too expensive for this.


Taunting Visage (DP)

I don't think they meant to give Changling Avenger's an at-will minor action to gain combat advantage... but they did. Your DM may disagree. If he does, point out all the other perma-CA possibilities you could have taken instead.


Astral Enmity (DP)

Do ~3 extra damage when you use your Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes. So 3 damage for the whole encounter. Turrible.

Battle Intuition (D374)

Huge bonus to initiative for the Martyr.

Immortal Skill (D374)

Seriously reduces the variability of your Memory, which makes it more valuable. But only works on skill checks. If you want attacks, that's an epic feat with two prereqs.

Upright Revival (D374)

Normally I'd think a feat that only works if you drop was a horrible idea... but this is the Avenger's Handbook, and Deva are tailor made to be Martyrs. Have a move action back, and a free shift. Obviously, if your DM thinks you drop your weapon if you call unconscious ... ignore that.


Vicious Darkfire (DP)

You've picked up "Fury's Advance", right? Have a nice source of bonus damage (Dex Modifier) for your multi-attack.


Dwarven Weapon Training (PHB)

Saving feats is good, and I like high-crit axes on Dwarves, or the mighty Warshovel . Tails off at paragon, because the damage bonus stops scaling, but at some point you can pick up a cheap Reaper's Gauntlet Axe again, thanks to more free proficiency.


Eladrin Soldier (PHB)

Saving feats is good, and this gives proficiency in the Urgosh, the Greatspear, and the Gouge. Charge much?


Fey Fate (DP)

A feat to add 2/4/6 damage. Use it on the first attack of a multi-attacking nova, so you get the bonus for this attack and the next turn. If you can't multi-attack, don't bother, it's only 2/4/6 damage.

Valenar Weapon Training (D385)

This is your Weapon Focus feat (cause it's better), and Avenging Resolution replaces your Weapon Proficiency feat (cause now you're using d4s).


Alhahn's Mindful Relocation (PHB3)

If it's worth using a standard action to spend a surge, you're in a bad place, so a shift is good. But you already get a shift 3. Is another 3 worth a feat? If you've boosted your speed and it's another 5, then likely.

Avenger's Fortunes (D378)

It's "spend a surge", not second wind... so that will be useful most battles, depending on party composition, and optimization level. Team Alphastrike does not want this. Team Outlast likely does.

Dakshai's Body-Mind Union (D378)

Immediate Saves rock. Ones with bonuses rock harder.

Miryath's First Strike (PHB3)

Have nice bonus damage if you go first (and if you focus on it, you can)... but only once per battle. And it's incompatible with Multi-attacks. It's +6/8/12 bonus damage for the whole encounter . Feats are too valuable to waste on that.

Githzerai Blade Master (D378)

Weapon Prof Fullblade, and a better Weapon Focus Fullblade.

Iron Resolve of Zerthadlun (PHB3)

Obsoleted by Resilient Focus (HotFL,HotFK)

Zuwoth's Enlightened Step (PHB3)

Chasers normally have plenty of ways to avoid OAs, and Martyrs want to avoid this like the plague.


Adept Dilettante (D385)

Twin-strike based on Wisdom! Yay! But now you're a ranger and can't be a fighter unless you came from (pre-nerf) Windrise Ports... boo. The good news is that there are still a few good PPs that don't require Fighter, and one of the better epic feats is "Ranger or Fighter", so you're still pretty well off.

Defending Dabbler (D385)

At-will mark without having to go into Warpriest. But unless you managed to talk your way into Son of Mercy , you don't have any real mark compliance abilities.

Effortless Dilettante (D385)

Twin strike on a charge, once an encounter. Ah well, can't have everything.

Holy Dilettante (D385)

Once an encounter, Twin Strike does radiant. Just buy a radiant weapon.


Fearsome Wrath(DP)

A feat to give -1 to hit once/encounter. Needs more Dakka.

Dodgy Charge(D386)

Badge of the Berserker, in feat form. A badge of the berserker is cheaper.


Action Surge (PHB)

Avengers usually don't need the accuracy. Use with the miss-ends multi-attack power you poached from somewhere (Cascade of Blades, Storm of Blows). If you DO need the accuracy, take the racial power sub instead of blowing a valuable feat on it. Avengers are usually hard-pressed to find two At-wills they care about, much less three.

Avenging Opportunist (DP)

Another reason to be human: Once per encounter, have a free move action right when you'd want it. Yes Please.

Divine Approval (DP)

Get a free save once/encounter. Always handy ... but requires that either the condition you're saving from doesn't keep you from using Divine Guidance , or you've taken another feat.


Psychic Retaliation (DP)

There are a number of good level 2 utility powers. It would be nice to be able to take one other than Refocus Enmity, and generally things throwing around Will attacks are worth killing quickly.


Blessed Shifter (DP,Paladin)

If you've managed to become a Paladin, and have at least one good divine multi-attack, add a big source of bonus damage to it. Now that the Avenger has three qualifying powers (two off-action encounters, and a multi-attacking daily), plausible.

Unleash the Beast (DP)

Are minor actions really so hard to come by?

Plagued Regeneration (D385)

A scaling regeneration buff (+1/+2/+3) for shifters that also deals the regenerated health as necrotic damage (3/6/9) to adjacent nonminion creatures. Requires a spellscar. Too conditional. Necrotic is highly resisted, it's only autodamage if you're regenerating. Maybe, if you milked it for all it's worth (Dead Shifter) you could justify a better rating . But really, there are better feats and limited feat slots.

Paragon Tier


Immortal Resilience (D374)

Immortal Skill for saves. If you want attacks, that's an epic feat that requires this one.


Dwarven Durability (PHB)

You lack of focus on Con means this isn't as good for you as it normally is.


Githzerai Mobility (D378)

Don't get hit on OAs. Period. This may be DeepSkyBlue, depending on how many OAs you might take and how interested you are in getting missed.

Iron Hands (D378)

Only one round, but at least it's a good-sized bonus to all damage rolls. Better once you have a multi-attack or two.. Just realize that Immediate Reaction multi-attacks won't work with it.

Shared Danger Sense (D378)

This is the feat for specialized Commando parties. They think It's Great .

Tempered Iron Mind (D378)

Free up your immediate for attacks. And you can't afford the feats that would make it really be worthwhile.

Wind's Fortunes (D378)

Since you'll usually be retreating when you need to use Shifting Fortunes, a Teleport usually won't be that much better than a shift. The exception will be badly placed difficult terrain.

Zuoken's Centering (D378,Githzerai,Monk)

Requires a multiclass, but gives you a lot of extra surges, and includes a small style play.


Versatile Master (PHB2)

The feat that single-handedly makes half-elves contenders for the DPR crown, even in classes that share no stats. And, as it turns out, Half-elves DO share stats.


Strength from Pain (PHB2)

If you have a nice Nova, this makes it nicer. The problem is that the bonus doesn't last very long, so you have only one round to trigger the nova. Or you could trigger it voluntarily with a Battlecrazed weapon.

Unrelenting Assault (PHB2)

Once an encounter piddly damage on a miss, for someone in a class that tries to not miss.


Action Recovery (PHB)

When your job is to take out controllers, it's good to be able to shake off effects.


Bloodthirsty Hunter

This is assuming you're a ranger via Warrior of the Wild , and you've also taken Arbiter of Justice . How you basically have permanent Quarry, until your DM gets tired of the cheese. Technically, the feat is heroic, but since it doesn't really work until you take Arbiter of Justice , and that's paragon, listing here in paragon.

Devious Jaunt (D372)

For the Martyrs, means that your Jaunt has huge range.

Life on the Edge (D372)

Only +2, but all rolls. Not just to hit, not just damage. All Rolls. The bloodied requirement means that it's better for the Martyr.

Reactive Jaunt (D372)

A reaction, so it won't keep you from dying. But combined with Sequestering Jaunt, it will make you look a fair bit like a defender.

Sequestering Jaunt (D372)

A move-action isolate the BBEG. Awesome utility power. Oh, wait, it's a feat? Combine with Reactive Jaunt for even more fun.


Beasthide Shifting (PHB2)

Resist 2 while regeneration is running... you're gonna give the Dwarf a run for his money? Um, no. MM3 says "hi".

Epic Tier


Immortal Prowess(D374)

Immortal Skill for attacks. Good, but not worth the prereqs. And would completely obsoleted by using Skill Power to have picked up Insightful Riposte if Insight were a class skill.

Winged Revival (D374)

If you like this, you'll already have the Preq. But odds are really good that when you drop you'll be next to your oath target... so why do you need to fly?


Adamantine Mind (D378)

Doubles the odds of your racial power changing the attack that triggered it.

Iron Body (D378)

Resist All/Wis Mod for one turn. But you're a chaser, not a Martyr.

Ironclad Oath (D378)

There's another paragon feat to make it easier to trigger your Iron Mind power, in case you think this is too conditional. But CA and large damage bonus for 1 turn each encounter is pretty handy.

Peerless Reaction (D378)

When using your second wind is an Immediate Interrupt, instead of a standard action, you can do it a lot more. And then all those nifty "move when using second wind" powers rock more.

Half Orc

Ferocious Critical (PHB2)

If you can control when you Critical (Pre-nerf RRoT, Divine Oracle, Dice of Auspicious Fortune), it's SkyBlue . If you can't, then it's not as good... but once you do critical, you still have a round to trigger your nova, so it's still pretty good.


Enmity's Dark Vigor (D372)

The original Battlerager trick, as a feat. Resist all/Wis_mod. Devalued post MM3.

Spirit Jaunt (D372)

Cause you can never have enough walking through walls.


Burst of Savagery (PHB2)

Your regeneration is usually worth a lot more than an extra 2d6 to an attack and 10 temp hp.