
Amulet of Double Fortune(AV2,2)

Cheap, and ends conditions. The only reason it's not rated DeepSkyBlue is that the really nasty conditions you really really want to end don't allow you to attack, and thus this item can't end them.

Amulet of the Unbroken(AV,29)

Once a day, spend surges to avoid dying? Couldn't it have just allowed you to spend the surge after? Would be a much more efficient use of surges.

Badge of the Berserker(AV2,2)

A trap for Martyrs, a must have for Chasers.

Brooch of Shielding(AV,3)

Once a day, get some serious resist. That should help... but it won't prevent control.

Brooch of Vitality(AV,15)

Like the toughness feat, only with cash.

Cloak of Displacement(AV,15)

For those that focused on AC, have two more. Stops as soon as you get hit, but if you've focused on AC, that shouldn't happen easily. Unfortunately, is very expensive... so by the time you get it, you'll find a fair number of monsters with NAD attacking basic attacks.

Cloak of Distortion(AV,4)

Gain some nice protection against ranged attackers. At high level, very nice protection. Be wary of small maps.

Cloak of Invisibility(PHB,23)

If there's a global rule that invisibility is canceled by attacking, then ignore this rating. If not, that's +5 to AC until you get hit by a targeted attack. And if you're focusing on it, you won't get hit that easily... it could last a full encounter.

Cloak of Resistance(PHB,2)

Minor resistance, as a daily power. I'm really not a fan of using daily powers for effects this minor, but if you're a Martyr, you're going to need as many sources of resistance as you can find...

Cloak of Translocation(AV2,9)

If you're a Warlock, you already have this item... but I'm not sure why you're reading the Avenger's Handbook. If you're just an avenger, well... that daily power will recharge an encounter attack power of yours, so that's nifty. If you're a Master of Defense, you'll have to become a Warlock and spend a feat to swap utility powers, but it might be worth it. If you're a FeyCharger, it's also probably a very good deal.

Cloak of the Walking Wounded(AV,4)

Your second wind can go through surges twice as fast. Two problems

Elven Cloak(PHB,7,Common)

Stealth for the Ninja. Character Builder thinks it stacks with Shadowflow Armor , just in case the uppity rogue thinks it's more stealthy than you.

Scarab of Invulnerability(PHB,30)

I still don't like daily powers for this sort of thing, but if it has to be a daily power, this is what it should be. The final word in "I'll take my 'get-beat-on-now'" fun.

Timeless Locket(AV2,14)

Scaling bonus to Init is really nice. But it's rather expensive, and the daily power can't be used to make an attack. Basically you'd use it to put on a standard action buff, but you don't have any of those that aren't attacks. So really it's just a daily power to upgrade a minor to a move so that you may stand, shift, and charge. For LFR players it's a bit more useful, as the "standard to make a skill check for the in-combat skill challenge (at a lower DC)" pattern is pretty common, and that makes the daily power more interesting.