Araújo Teixeira

Towards a more Meaningful Way to Teach English a Foreign Language

Isabel Cristina de Araújo Teixeira, University of Brasilia, Brasília, Brazil.

This presentation in Pecha Kucha format foccused on an important part of my Master ́s dissertation: changing an EFL teacher ́s mindset in relation to his/ her teaching . After all, that is what ongoing professional development usually aims at: changing the way a teacher teaches so that it can be improved. However, is it possible to change a teacher ́s teaching approach? How hard is it for a teacher to change his/her beliefs, adopt new ideas and decide for a new teaching practice? Is it easy to change at all? How long does it take? How does change occur? These are questions that must be taken into consideration when thinking about modifying a teacher ́s teaching method.