Evans, Kelly, and Baldwin

Adjusting our structure with teach candidate success at the forefront: An exploration of an early childhood assignment and alignment with edTPA

Lesley A. Evans, Mary K. Kelly, and Joni L. Baldwin, University of Dayton, Ohio, USA


The changing landscape of teacher education preparation programs has recently adjusted to include teacher performance assessments as part of preservice teacher program evaluation. This study explores the journey of two faculty members striving to adjust instruction to meet the needs of early childhood candidates, without jeopardizing the integrity of a major benchmark assignment. Conflicting views are explored revolving around purpose and student success in future teaching. The focus starts with the creation of the investigation, to be impactful and with design centered on the integration of curriculum with a science focus. Four specific places of investigation are highlighted: the original design of the major benchmark assignment, the evaluation of the assignment to meet the needs of the students, the inclusion of a new design to mirror the expectations of teacher performance assessments, and data to support alignment with the edTPA. Reflection on the part of each faculty member is presented to document the journey.

Key Words:

Teacher preparation; Early Childhood; edTPA; Collaboration; Program improvement