2018 Proceedings

The following proceedings were submitted following attendance of ARNA 2018 in San Diego, California under the theme of "Knowledge Mobilization for Equitable & Peaceful Social Progress".

Please click on the title below to download the full paper. All articles are peer reviewed.


A STAR is Born - From Ideation to Landing Page: How Supporting the Teaching of Action Research (STAR) Action Research Community (ARC) Was Designed
Teri Marcos, Margaret Riel, Linda Purrington, Jennifer Robins, Kathy Shafer, Laura Dino, Donna Azodi, & Joe Shosh.

Becoming a Scholar Activist for Social Justice
Kaz Stuart

Compassionate Leadership: An Alternative Response to Conflict, Violence, and Marginalization in Higher Education
Dennis A. Sheridan

Encountering Otherness through Dreams: Dreaming-sharing as a resource for action research
Ruth Balogh, Adriana Verdugo, Carmen Santana & Janine Christiano

EL PODER DEL PODER. Agendas Científicas y Mesas de Trabajo Permanentes. Iniciativas en La Plata, Ensenada y Berisso, Buenos Aires
Horacio Bozzano & Tomás Canevari

Estrategias de enseñanza-aprendizaje y bajo rendimiento escolar: Un caso de impacto en alumnos de tercer grado de secundaria
Daniela Molina Hinojoza & Yaralin Aceves Villanueva

Movilización del conocimiento y reconfiguración de lo social. Agenda científica y política pública en el barrio Puente de Fierro, La Plata, Argentina
Tomás Canevari

The Self-Action Leadership Model: Where Self-Leadership Meets Action Research
Rodney J. Beaulieu & Jordan R. Jensen

Editorial Committee

Chief Editor: Rodney Beaulieu, California State University, United States

English Associate Editor, Editor Asociado de Inglés:
Rodney Beaulieu, California State University, United States
Email: rbeaulieu@csusm.edu

Spanish Associate Editor, Editore Asociado Español:
Laura Irene Dino Morales, Catedrática del Centro Universitario CIFE, Mexico
Email: LauraDino65@gmail.com

Portuguese Associate Editor, Editore Associado Porguguêse:
Maria Assunção Flores, Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Email: aflores@ie.uminho.pt

Copyrights © 2018 Left to Authors

All rights reserved.

ISSN 2373-1680