Diep Knockback Stats

written by u/Aznatf

I've measured the displacements on collisions against bullets, drones, and tanks. The tables below show the numbers I got from several conditions. the unit used for distance is coordinate I got and 50 units can be converted into 1 grid interval.

Basic Bullet's Knockback Distance about Penetration and Damage Stat

Now you see, the penetration stat does not affect the displacement but the damage stat does. Let's convert the table into the bullet's health/body damage table. (if you need more explanation about this, this will help you)

Basic Bullet's Knockback Distance about Health and Body Damage

Now we know the body damage and the displacement are directly proportional. the displacement is about 3.3244 per damage. This conforms with other bullets. For example, Twin Flank's bullet which has 0.5x body damage.

Twin Flank's Knockback Distance about Health and Body Damage

But, there are some exceptions.

Several Bullet's Knockback Distance

Destroyer family's bullets have less knockback than others. And the battleship's bullets have ridiculously strong knockback for its damage

The opponent's stats do not affect the displacement, except when the bullet's health is too high to be killed in a single collision, making the displacement double.

Basic Bullet's Knockback Distance about the Opponent's Health and Body Damage Stat

Drones have constant knockback distance, not even affected by the body damage. Note that Battleship's bullet is not a drone.

Several Drone's Knockback Distance

And any kind of "direct hit" has constant knockback distance, which is double of a drone's knockback distance.

Several Ramming's Knockback Distance


Bullet's knockback distance is affected by its damage, not by anything else. some bullets have weird knockback. drones and ramming have constant knockback.

edit: thx u/Panserrschreck

This is a list of the Knockbackfactor for nearly all tanks. Most of them are still unconfirmed and therefore more research is needed. I post them here so we can discuss them further and hopefully get the right results.

To get the knockback per loop (KB/L) you plug those values into this equation

KB/L = Kf * (0.7 + 0.3 * dm) with dm being the bullet damage stat

As you can see the knockback per loop only depends on damage. The unit of Knockback is gu (grid units).


Smasher, Landmine, Spike, Auto Smasher (Body)


1.6 gu

The bodies of all tanks deal the same amount of knockback regardless of their body damage stats.


Overseer, Overlord, Manager, Necromancer, Factory (drone), Hybrid (drone), Overtrapper (drone)


0.8 gu

Same goes for drones.

Information on how knockback works

I would highly recommend discussing those figures and thinking about how we can get more precise ones. If you wanna know how to calculate them themselves you can ask in the comments. Cause the more people are working together the faster we can get it right.