The Diepio Landmine Guide

Part 1: Leveling Landmine is a really easy tank to acquire, if you level properly. In any given match, by level 24 you should be able to kill a level 45 tank. There are 2 ways to do this: a. My way (recommended) (3/7/7/0/0/0/0/7) By level 15 you should have a 3/3/5/0/0/0/0/4 build. By level 20 you should have a 3/3/7/0/0/0/0/7 or a 3/6/7/0/0/0/0/4 build At level 24 you should have a 3/7/7/0/0/0/0/7 build --OR-- b. Bullet Build (normally high penetration and damage) Pretty much a standard bullet build. Not recommended ;-; --If you can't get a kill-- Obviously, use a 3/10/10/10 build. Upgrade movement first, then max health, then body damage, to increase your chance of getting a kill.

Part 2: Level 45 tank tactics The most important part of using landmine is taking advantage of its stealth. It is the only rammer that can become invisible. Consequentially, patience is key to this tank. Here are a few tactics I use to easily kill enemies. --Spread Tanks-- If you recognize the bullets, go just out of range of the bullets, especially that of penta. Because many penta shots think of it advantageuos to use their recoil in order to move faster, they most likely will go right towards you with the right placement, which is a skill that I'll discuss later. --High DPS Tanks-- These tanks are the ones you need to be very careful with. In most servers, you can catch them from behind, using any invisibility tactic. The ideal strategy here is getting another tanks to distract and slowly bait the these tanks towards you. --Destroyers-- Landmine is the one tank that can easily kill a destroyer. Get between the destroyer and the base, then wait for the right opportunity. Once you get hit once, run, unless you know you have to take 3 hits from the destroyer, then you can continue to go for the kill. Rammer tanks from the destroyer tree can be killed simply by chasing, if they are using a 77700057 build. --Snipers-- Snipers are normally easy to take down, except for predator with a high movement speed build. Make sure that you take a very wide arc around them, preferably when they are attacking another tank, then come from behind and continue to attack even when you get below half health. As for predator, you have to be very sure that they are too busy attacking another tank out of range. --Trappers-- You almost always need another teammate to create a distraction, unless with mega trapper, where you can come up from behind... to be continued..

HUNTER The hardest of the sniper classes, these tanks include predator, streamliner, and hunter. Never meet a predator or hunter with bunched bullets head on. What you want to use is a surprise tactic. What you want them to do is chase you. Once they begin too chase you, swerve to the side out of their FOV when you pass another tank. A penta can be useful to distract them, but any tank can work. While they attack that tank, try to align yourself in a straight line from you to them, preferably down the map, based on the bullets. Then, go straight down as fast as possible. Nobody expects that to happen. However, this only works with the classes and triplets or sprayers.

OVERSEER Drone classes are seemingly OP tanks, but can easily be broken down. Again, a penta is useful. They key in this situation is creating a distraction with the penta, and using the suprise tactic above. However, this is NOT necessary, if you know how to play this tank. In a 1v1 situation, you must get the drones away from the tank. Use tactics like zigzag patterns and randomly fall back and come back. Confuse them as much as possible. Once the drones are far enough, rush in and kill the tank. Their drones will only push you closer to them. An exception is battleship, where you can simply rush it.

ASSASSIN These three tanks are completely dead if you see them with more than half health. The technique here is, again, never to go head on. The single bullet and low reload you should use to your advantage. Simply try repetitively to swerve around to the side of them until successful.(edited)

When dealing with bullet spammers, there's a perfect technique for that. I've used it many times to get high scores with Landmine.

1. The Drop "Dropping" is essentially what its name represents, but you drop yourself. This is especially effective on pentas, spreads, and other bullet spammers with recoil. To put it simply, do perform a drop, you must do these three things first: 1: Taunt them. Get close to them with an attempt to kill, but try to take as little damage as possible by dodging. 2: Get them to chase you. The problem a lot of the time is that people lose interest in you quickly. Aggravating them by taunting is necessary in this step if they lost interest in you. 3: Once they are chasing you, they will probably be using their recoil to chase you. Keep them just outside of your FoV, and make sure you are travelling vertically. 4: Make sure you see them chasing you one last time, and exit their FoV. Remember, you have a higher FoV than they do. If you can't see them, they definitely can't see you. 5: Abruptly reverse direction and rush them as they go backwards. Most players will get into a habit of relaxing after about 10 seconds of chasing you, and this will usually kill them. Very rarely do people have good reflexes and turn around in time. If they do turn around, run. You cannot win. 6: If this fails the first time, try again. 90% of players are dumb and will fall for the same trick twice. If that player is more intelligent though, find a distraction and get them killed/kill them while they're distracted. 7: A good way to use a distraction is to have them fight it, and when they back up, rush from above or beneath them vertically and ram them to death. They will be too busy focusing on the other enemy to notice you immediately.

2. Brute Forcing

A very risky technique, and works well against low health targets with low reload. If they're about to die, but you just can't reach them and have at least 30% of your health, just push through and eventually you'll hit them and kill them.

1. Tap and Run This works perfectly against other smashers, especially if you use a high regen build. Essentially, you need to come in contact with them, and the instant you take damage, turn around. They will chase you, and at least 1-5 seconds later, you will have more health than them, and colliding with them will kill them. This only works if you have more regen than them however, as you must have more health than them to kill them. If they regenerate more health than you, you will die.

2. Direct Collision The opposite of Tap and Run, as instead of you having more regen, you have less regen. When you two come into a fight, don't let them tap and run. Just collide with them where both of you are heading at each other, and you will win. Because of how they cannot regenerate to get more health than you in the split second you two collide, the one with more health will usually win. Most players trade off max health or body damage for regen, and if you use the standard 3/10/10/10 build, you will win. If they do tap and run, don't let them touch you again. Run as far away as you can until you fully regen. Only then should you try again.

5. Builds Builds are essential to any smasher. They determine the outcome of a fight, and always have 10 movement speed, as smashers are already very slow. The best builds include: 1: Standard Smasher Build 3/10/10/10 Just the standard, maximum strength an speed, low regen. 2: Skilled Smasher Build 4/9/10/10 Why trade one max health for regen? 4 is the magic number for stats. 4 bullet speed is the middle ground between slow bullets and fast bullets. 4 regen will get you enough regen to regen quickly, but you won't lose much power this way. This build also works very well with Tap and Run. 3: Trolling in Sandbox Build 10/10/10/3 We all know this one. It's my favorite, especially with Spike.(edited)