The Diepio Bullet Fighter Guide

There are many ways to play this tank and every one is going to have there own style, in this I will explain my playing style of Fighter. I can't give a basic guide on Fighter due to fact that really everyone plays differently and that will affect how you want to approach enemies. The build I use is 0-4-0-1-7-7-7-7, Another good build that I sometimes will use is 0-4-0-2-7-6-7-7, with this playing style, full movement speed and at least 4 points in health are necessary. You’re biggest threat will be skilled snipers, bullet spammers like penta and spread shot, auto trappers, and factories. Though if you practice against the tanks a lot, none of these tanks will be much of a threat, unless they are very skilled, of course. For skilled snipers--unskilled snipers are easy prey--try to stay away from them, but if you can not, attack them in a straight line, do not try to dodge their bullets. Your wall of bullets will stop all of theirs. For Penta and Spread Shot, again, try to stay away from them, but if you need to attack them, or just feel like it xD, attack them in the same way you attacked the sniper, you WILL take a good amount of damage approaching them, but when you get close you’re bullets will most likely kill them. Against auto trappers, stray on one side of them for a while so they build up a wall of spikes and make sure to dodge their bullets as well, then when the traps are ALL on one side of them, go to the other side and just sweep (i’ll explain different moves later) that side a few times until the traps are too thick, then just keep switching sides. Against factories, if the factory is skilled at all, you are screwed, if they are not skilled and are trash at factory, you have a small chance of getting them. Just attack them as if they’re an overlord, but make sure to find openings in their drones to shoot them and dodge as many of the bullets as you can.

Easy targets will be tanks like Overlord, Overseer, Necromancer, and Manager, Battleship, triplet, Bullet Fighters with fast bullets, rammers, and other tanks like these (twin is not easy prey even though it if like triplet). Against tanks like overlord and manager, try to get as close as you can, dodge around the drones, don't try to kill them, and ONLY charge the tank itself if you can get to it without loosing more than 70% health, if you lose more than this any other tank, or if the overlord didn't die, can finish you off quickly. Against Necromancer, do the same thing you did with overlord in a team situation, in FFA or Maze kill all the squares around the area and then kill the tanks squares, then you can finish it off easily. Battleship is by far the easiest tank in the whole game to kill as Fighter, just charge the tank head, make sure you have 100% health, and, unless the tank is a rammer in disguise (I hate those…) you have a 100% chance to kill it. If they are a rammer, just treat them like it. Against triplet charge at them from directly above or below and then when you are close quickly go to one side and sweep down/ up at them. Make sure to get close when you do this against triplet. For bullet fighters with fast bullets, NEVER let them chase you. If they do not try to pursue you, just do a sweep from one side to the top or bottom of them, this will almost always kill them, if not, just do it again. If they try to chase you, just charge them before they start chasing you, with any of the build above you will almost always win against a bullet fighter with a lot of bullet speed if you and them charge each other head on. Against rammers, do not chase them to close unless they are against a wall or barrier, NEVER chase directly behind them at a close distance (the length of 2-3 lv45 tank bodies or closer).

Now for some basic moves that you can use to distract a lot of tanks, kill a lot of tanks, and confuse the heck out of a lot of tanks. One that I have mentioned a lot, “sweep” attack, is GREAT to use against pretty much everything. To do it, you go toward an enemy shooting at them then when you get close you go to one side of them, this will make them forget about the first bullets you were shooting and focus on the new ones you are shooting. The first ones you fires directly at them will them hit them from the side and hopefully kill them, if you want to continue the same “sweep” on the same target just go around them shooting at an angle, not at them but in a way the bullets will still hit them. This is great to use against snipers, other fighters, rammers, concentrated fire tanks, etc. A great move to use against drone tanks I use ( I don't have a name for it) is when you charge full speed at a drone tank facing a little to one side, they them attack you with the drones thinking you’re going to attack their left, but then right before the drones hit you you dodge around them to the other side and then charge the tank and you can generally do a lot of damage doing this. It also kinda works against some bullet spammers. And one more move I can share (I don't know how to put others into words, haha!) is one I don't actually really know how to do… To explain it it is when you are or are not shooting and then you spin around once really fast and either continue shooting or start shooting right when you start spinning and then stop shooting when you finish the spin. This will floy bullets everywhere, but that is not the point. It will also fire a concentration of maybe 4-5 bullets all stacked in one direction, I use this attack when I am being chased by fighters for if I do it when I am boosting forward it seems to go behind me, though I do not yet know how to aim it, I will update this when and if I figure it out. Now, for some basic tips xD.

-If you suspect a destroyer type tank is above or below you, approach in a tight zig-zag pattern or without any boost. -In maze: NEVER boost quickly through small spaces, unless you are on an empty server or are sure there are no invisible tanks on the server, but still be weary of sneaky bullet spammers -Try out the different moves in sandbox with a friend against all tanks until you can nail them every time -If you are trapped against a wall by a penta-shot, escape by going along their ride and shooting at a slight angle toward them, this must be a VERY slight angle though, this will allow you to escape without being hit by too many of their bullets -Figure things out, take these tips and make you’re own style out of them if you want! Learn new things to help you kill tanks, even learn better ways to kill tanks!(edited) Remember, this is just one style to play, you don't have to follow at all or completely if you don't want! I hope this helps you all! Thanks!