=^._.^=RAIN's Fighter Guide

Fighter guide (sorta) So, iv'e been playing fighter for a few weeks now, and iv'e been getting good. Im gonna talk about the two major builds glass, and ssp. Glass: This refers to a fighter with no health. some traditional glass builds may be 0/0/0/5/7/7/7/7, or 0/0/0/7/7/7/5/7. This one is good for quick agressive runs in ffa , and is great for sandbox. SSP: SSP stand for sea serpent, which is the name of the type of build. When people say it, they probably mean fighter, but i guess you could go ssp booster as well. This refers to a fighter with no bullet spead. You can have health for this one, unlike glass. Some traditional builds are 0/5/0/0/7/7/7/7, or 0/2/3/0/7/7/7/7. Usually movement speed, reload, damage, and penetration are maxed out, but ssp just refers to zero bullet speed, you can get creative if you want. Tactics: If you are ssp, you should just rush most tanks. Since you have no bullet speed, there really is no other option. If you ar in combat with an OL, i find it best to team up with someone to distract them (bullet spammers do fine) so you can rush in for the kill. IMPORTANT NOTE: ssp is best played in team gamemodes since it encourages a layed back playstyle. Rammers are not really a problem for fighters with enough movement speed. If you are glass, rammers are your food, since you can shoot form a far distace and boost away. Glass is a good build, but you kind of have to bee good at dodging, since you have no health. OLs, are not a problem for glass either, if you dont get to close. Teamers are a weakness to fighters though. A lone tank is no problem, but if there is a clump of bullet spammer, back off, your not gonna win. Glass is good for quick runs in ffa. You can't survive long withought health though.(edited)

Fighter vs fighter or booster: If you engage with an enemy fighter or booster, here is what you do.It's pretty much the same for both builds, although glass is probably a little easier because you have range. Sort of go twords the other person, and the quickly turn back to send bullets in their direction. just do this untill they are low enough to rush them. If you can manual stack with fighter, that do that as well, you will have the edge. How do i get better? 1v1s my friend. Thats how i have gotten practice. If you go to the diepcord dci portal, and join "The group" (you will have to get verified tho) there are lots of skilled players and diep youtubers there. Im sure some would be happy to 1v1.