
1: Circles that fight other circles, with the polygons being considered lower life-forms.

2: Circle evolves with a gun, becomes dominant species.

3: Normal circles are no more, all circles have guns now.

4: Tanks begin to evolve:


Smasher was the result of the MG disease, transmitted by boosters, that spread throughout diepio, causing guns to become deformed, and turn into sharp objects that covered tanks. These sharp objects surprisingly worked, and increased in size, turning into mega smashers. Eventually, they started to merge with stalkers, and turn into landmines. These landmines out-performed mega smashers and eventually caused them to go extinct. Eventually, the RDT virus infected the landmines, and severely weakened their cloaking ability.

A few overseers lost the ability to use telepathy with triangles, and struggled to survive. Many died, but a few were able to live. They developed a symbiotic relationship with the Anokuu virus, a condition that affects squares. They both evolved to create the Necromancer, a tank that takes control of squares using the virus.

Many of the polygons were dying to the more powerful tanks, and natural selection eventually started to do its job. Green polygons evolved, and survived with their increased durability, but were then discovered by many tanks, causing lots of them to die. Also, other shapes were growing in size, creating the guardian, a giant pink triangle who defended the pentagons. Then, the summoner evolved, creating squares. Polygons then reached the level of the circles, evolving into giant versions of tanks, and even using traps. These grew stronger, but then they reached a limit.


For example, yellow squares are the plants of the land while blue circles, red triangles, and dark blue pentagons are the lifeforms. Pentagons used to be the top predators led by much larger Alpha Pentagons. They generally group in nests that are protected by mysterious robotic flying pink triangles known as Crashers (it is later found out that a huge Guardian allied with the Pentagons creates the Crashers). The red triangles are a lower life-form preyed on by pentagons. The blue circles were also preyed on by the pentagons until they gained intelligence and evolved. Thus they develop a gun and are able to move so fast that they make every other shape look like they barely move at all. Then they become the dominant species.

That's only the beginning of what can be told in the history of Diep.io. I love the idea of different classes and upgrade paths focusing on different aspects they want to upgrade. And I think each mode can represent a different point in history, like FFA in the early stages when everybody just killed everybody else to evolve and survive. Next Tag Mode is when they tried to convert everybody to their side by killing them. Then TDM is when they became more civilized and stuck with the team they were on in order to kill other teams. Domination is when they built bases and fought in teams to control them. Mothership is the final stage when they built massive mobile tanks called motherships to battle and kill each other. There are a lot of possibilities.