Resurrection's Hybrid Guide

Hybrid Guide (Kinda)Build: I personally use 0/4/3/7/7/5/0/7 but you can use whatever build you want, I recommend you to put 7 stat points on bullet penetration, 5 on bullet damage, 7 on movement speed, 7 on bullet speed, then either full reload or 4 on max health and 3 on body damage – considering your experience with hybrid. Modes: Hybrid is okay in any mode, but if you’re trying to get a highscore, you should play 2 or 4tm, (Modes that have a safe place that you can relax). Controls: The controls on hybrid are pretty simple – space or click to shoot and WASD or arrow keys to move. Tactics: The most prominent tactic – (I think) – is sneak attacks, when you approach someone, usually vertically, and quickly shoot them, this tactic works against most tanks except for tanks with more Field Of View – (Ranger, Predator), auto tanks – (Auto 5, Auto Gunner) or tanks that spam all around – (Octotank), when you are trying to kill any type of drone and if you have max reload, you could either spam the drones until you get a shot at the drone class or use your massive bullet recoil to recoil yourself around the drones and shoot the drone class, but if you have no reload its better to keep on doing sneak attacks on the drone class instead of fully approaching it. Strengths and Weaknesses: The counter-attackers for this build are mostly tanks with a higher FOV, (Field Of View), - (Predators, Rangers) and drones tanks. This tank is good against the tri-angle branch. This tank is a great counter-attacker against bullet spammers such as triplet or pentashot.