The Diepio Auto Trapper Guide

Balanced: Actually my own auto trapper is this one, this auto trapper is a walker on the situations when needs to find a rammer and catch him, and is a home auto trapper in terms of killing bullet spammers, balanced in terms of time/ratio, survival time, and final score

Home auto trapper: As his name says, is a auto trapper's home, this auto trapper is the most common of the other ones, u can find this kind of trappers on maze, trapping himself on a corner waiting for a tank that underrates him and kill him. This auto trapper is the most used, but the worst in terms of time/ratio, final score, but the best in terms of survival, as we saw on the runs of BONER ALERT, surviving 5 hours with this type of trapper. Actually i wont recommend this auto trapper, but is useful when u are on low health


Low health: Well, when u are on low health there is only one thing u can do, DONT MOVE AROUND, with this i mean u stay near to ur traps, without moving around the map, but becarefull, if u are with low health on the middle of the map, then u will release that there are crashers and is the zone of the map with more bullets, so in this special case GET OUT OF THE MIDDLE and then stay in a site meanwhile u wait for ur health

Make ur auto turret work: Actually if u are having a fight with some one, but ur auto turret has Alzheimer and dont aim ur opponent, then u need to make a risky move, that is let ur enemy touch u with a bullet to make ur auto turret aim at him. Is a very dangerous tecnic, but is pretty usefull when ur enemy is on low health, and u are with good health

Frontal bullet spammers: Triplets, sprayers, twins, auto gunners, etc, the cancer when are teaming if u are auto trapper, actually this kind of battles are pretty epic if u play well. The first thing u need to do is to find a safe place to start, i mean that u see that there isnt any 1v2 upcoming to kill u. Then u watch the map, what i mean with this?, that u need to watch out for ur position over corners/walls. Then u make ur enemy go where u want him to go, i mean, make him go to the corner/wall, why?, because actually if an auto trapper gets near to the opponent, the auto trapper has the advantage to win, with his traps dealing a lot of damage, so when ur enemy gets on position, slowly corner him, dont make him go away, go closer and closer, and then u get his soul and 23k more

Pentashots/Spreadshots: Is simple, DONT FIGHT THIS OP TANKS. Only attack them when they are on a 1v2 situation or with low health, if u are both with same health/full health, Is a battle than no one will win until a 1v2 appears :D. But If u are enough skilled to corner this tanks then do it, but be carefull, if u try to corner this tanks u can be suiciding instead of killing. U need to be very skilled to do this move.

Octo tanks/triple twin: Is simple, FIGHT THIS TANKS, with his reduced damage on the frontal, u can just go straight to this tanks without recibing a big injury, this tanks are pretty easy to kill, because of his non recoil, so u can just follow them and kill them very easy. I recomment to kill this kind of tanks a lot.

Overlord/Overseer/Manager: As a lot of people know and i say too, Auto trapper counters overlord drones, so the only thing u need to do is hit and run, what i mean with hit and run?, yea is to advance to the overlord, but when he send his drones to u, you just go back to ur save traps, and do the same step everytime, until the overlord gets cornered. But Becarefull, Dont go after overseer with a lvl < lvl 45, because they have just more speed, and will be a hell to tr to chase them, so w8 them for lvl 45, and then do ur best

Gunner trapper: Actually is one of the best rivals of the auto trapper if is experienced, to kill this tanks, just do the gold rule of auto trapper, Corner, why? because if u corner them, they will lost his traps (will go to the gray zone/crash on the maze walls) and his only weapon will be the gun, yea this tank is the only one that u can kill only cornering, i mean is very strange to kill a gunner trapper without corner him. But yea, u need some experience of dodging and ghosting knowledge to kill this tank.

Auto trapper: What to say about an auto trapper 1v1?, well is kinda strange, this depends a lot of dodging and the build as well, the build with more points on regen/health will win, the movement speed here isnt usefull, so if u are glass and there is another auto trapper that u want to face, be becarefull, if u went over low health get out of there the faster posible.

Destroyer branch (not skimmer): This is pretty easy, go on ziz zag dodging the rival's bullets and corner him, done

Skimmer: As we know skimmer's damage over the hybrid/annihilator bullet is less, there is people saying that the skimmer counters the auto trapper, but in my opinion, i have the best tactic to kill this tank. What is it?, is called THIS IS SPARTA or ALLAHU AKBAR where u go straigh cancelling the skimmer bullets with ur traps, CANCELING? yea, cancelling, like a sea serpent going after the skimmer, do the same with auto trapper, actually two auto trapper's traps are kinda enough to cancel/semi cancel a skimmer bullet, but this movement needs a lot of skill, so if u arent sure to do this movement, because is very risky, then dont fight the skimmer.

Necromancer: Food

Battleship/Factory: Oh shit yea what about the direct counters of trapper branch? Fighting someday on maze, when he was at 400k, i used battleship and factory, and i learned the secret to survive factory and battleship, so what is the secret?. Well is pretty easy to do, and works better on bullet speed with 3-2, and is to stay on ur site, DONT RUN stay on ur traps, because if u run, u will be covered by 2-3 traps, meanwhile if u stay on ur site u will be covered by more than 15 traps (depending of build), actually i tested this strategy with Genesis, and my survival time increased exponentially, so if u are fighting a battleship or factory, stay on ur site, don't scare and run away, wait for a 1v2 situation on ur favor, and enjoy. The best trapper to kill this tanks on maze is the home auto trapper as well.(edited)

Something that i was to say is that is pretty difficult to survive an attack of a skilled factory, but this was tested on sandbox, so on ffa, with more space, is an advantage to the auto trapper


Well, i don't know how to name an auto trapper build, so i will just put the builds without name

0/0/0/5/7/7/7/7: My god build, the build that made me reach 1 million two times on auto trapper, and the best build on my opinion, this build allows u to have the best reload/movement speed/damage possible, with an acceptable bullet speed, this build is pretty good to play on ffa

0/0/0/7/7/7/7/5: A very kknownbuild, the second best on my opinion, but the worst one of terms of defense, why?. With 7 Bullet speed, ur traps will go to the hell, meaning that will be more difficult to survive a factory attack, knowing that u dont have full movement speed too, But still pretty good on terms of Attack, Making long range his best tactic, actually works pretty good against snipers and some noob bullet spammers.

3/0/2/7/7/7/7/0: Best build if u aren't going to ride the map, best build for home auto trappers, and God build of Boner alert, as Boner alert said "Regeneration is better than health" this build works pretty well to kill another auto trapper, and to be in a hole on maze, this build is more to kill ur opponent with ur auto turret than with ur traps, so try it, i try it and is bored a fuck but has the best survival time i ever seen