The Diepio Ram Booster Guide

The most recommended build is 5/7/7/0/0/0/7/7, as it ensures maximum speed and allow you to catch mid-fast tanks as well as escaping easier if on low-health.

Be slow and steady, as greed is your greatest threat here. Pentashots can't be faced head-on and you will take heavy damage upon running into their bullet hell. If you want to kill them, what you should do is just run, but at the same time try to "provoke" them until they start chasing you. They are most likely doing so if you can't see its bullets anymore. At that moment, you should turn back and ram them, and they will have nearly no time to react due to their own recoil. Focused spammers are hard to handle as well, though if they don't have very good aim you can attempt to dodge its bullets until you get close enough to ram. If this doesn't work, just run. You can try to do the same thing as with Pentashots, but they have smaller recoil so a slightly longer time to react and shoot you again. Bullet-builded Destroyers shouldn't be taken on head-on either, as their huge bullet can two-shot or even one-shot you if you're below 70% health. Here again, you should lure them into chasing you, turn back, and watch them boost right into their death. You can also try cornering them, but you have to be very good at dodging, also even when you do corner them, getting close enough is still a challenge because it becomes harder to dodge the bullets as you come closer. You can try rushing into them, by tanking one bullet and hoping to kill them with your 30% health before they charge up another bullet. This is still a very risky strategy, and you shouldn't attempt performing that unless you're absolutely sure of yourself. Skimmers are much easier to kill, as they are basically a half-strength Destroyer with low recoil, and the small bullets don't deal much damage. Just run around their bullets until you get close to them, it's pretty easy.

If you see another ramming Booster. If you are both on max health, the winner will be determined by the best aim. Basically, you have to land more bullets than the opponent upon colliding. Because, yes, a rammer's bullets do have an effect even though it's microscopic. Try to turn around the opposing bullets, and keep moving left and right to be unpredictable. The opponent will most likely try to predict you, and fail if you do your thing correctly. When they are least expecting it, dash straight before they can turn back their front barrel to you, and kill them with the help of your 0.0000000000001 damage bullets. But, this is also a risk as even if you win the collision, you could easily be killed by a random stray bullet due to how low your health was left at. Only do it if you're certain there isn't dangerous tanks around your FOV. If they are lower health than you, you could try chasing them but that would be difficult as you have a constant speed, and can't have one huge boost to a specific location, which let the opposing Booster juke you. Even if you react fast you can't really keep up with them, unless you somehow managed to corner them. Though, you could try to counter-juke them and predict the direction and the time your opponent would want to go at. If you do that successfully, your opponent could run into you and die.

Smashers simply can't be killed in a head-on collision, unless they're lucky baby tanks that got a level 45 kill and didn't upgrade their stats yet. What you can try to do is "stalk" around them, keep them at the edge of your FOV and watch for their actions. If you see their health is decreasing greatly, there is your chance to end your foe. Remember though, you can't kill a Spike if they have more than 60% health or a (auto-)Smasher if they have more than 65% health. If they are close to these values, evaluate the length of their health bars precisely before going, or turn ren raw health values on using the diep console. If they try to chase you away, lure them into bullet hell or a Destroyer branch. They will either give up, or keep chasing and take significant damage which might allow you to kill them.

Fighting Overlord and other drone classes can be tricky especially if the player is above average. A significant amount of droners tend to just keep their drones very close to them. Perhaps to taunt or bait you. Anyways, try getting close to them, but not actually running into the drones, and be prepared for any movement of the drones. if you keep following them around, they might try to surprise attack you. If you have a fast enough reaction, here is your chance to dodge the drones and go for their owner. If they try to juke, quickly cut the path between them and their drones. They will most likely die, but if you aren't fast enough you will run into drones instead of the tank so be careful. Very skilled droners might try and claw you - if you try going through the claw, they will close it ahead of you, forcing you to go back. They might also attract their drones in a way they become a long"tentacle" that is extremely hard to pass. Even if you're somehow slightly ahead of their drones, they will dodge you and get their doritos back to themselves. tl;dr : great overlords are unkillable unless you get a huge luck burst.

Taking on Battleships is quite easy. Their mini-drones deal very small damage (1 mini-dorito = 15% of a Tank bullet). Also, the AI doritos will end up behind you (because they're dum), and then actually pushing you towards the opponent, making it very easy to reach them. Good Battleships, though, will keep their manual drones hid behind their body, or put them ahead as a shield. In this way, you might run into a bunch of drones and take significant damage. The newly spawning manual drones might push you back as well. However, they are still killable if you know counter-juking, and are on max health (so that you can tank a burst of mini-drones).

Necromancers having full drone count are unkillable. They are just unkillable. The sheer number of squares makes an unpenetrable shield, and cover an area that is several times longer than the Necromancer itself. If they have a low drone count, though, you can easily bypass the few squares they have left and kill them, as sunchips are slower than Overlord drones. If they are naked... do anything you want of them. xD (no lenny face pls)

Glass fighters or boosters are your biggest threat. What you might want to do is what I said with bullet spammers : run-turn-surprise. But... if they are skilled you are just fucked. They won't fall for the previously said strategy, and if they want you dead... they'll have you dead. Skilled fighters are rare though, luckily enough. Dragon fighters and boosters are also unkillable because they have nearly has much ramming stats as you, as well as strong bullets. How you should differenciate a Dragon booster from a ramming or glass one is that their bullets one-shot all the shapes in their way, but are very slow, and the tank itself is slow as well. If you spot these signs in someone, just run.

Fighter have a supplementary card in their game – don't forget the side cannons ! Whenever you try to chase a Fighter, if it knows what it's doing, it will arrange to aim one side cannon at you. They have half the reload speed and 80% the strength of the front bullets, but they can effectively push you back enough to allow the player to outspeed you, while also slowly draining your health.

Bullet Tri-Angles in themselves have that less. That means they have everything the same as their cousins, except they can't defend as well when chased. Their only weapons are juking, and their back cannons – these are weak, but do deal damage, so you still can't just chase them for infinity. But you are given more time to corner and kill them. Remember, when you are close to the player, you might want to counter-juke. There is a high chance they will drift to dodge you.

Gunners are indeed, not the mightiest opponent, but they should not be underestimated. Their DPS is 9/10 Basic Tank's, and each bullet deal a low knockback – but since it shoots a lot of them, the little + little + little + etc. knockbacks merge in something stronger. If they have maxed bullet stats and a decent aim, they should be taken on like other bullet spammers – make them chase you, turn back, ram.

Auto 3 is quite easy to kill, due to its low bullet damage and being only able to aim 2 turrets at you maximum, but as they are a tier 3 tank, they are smaller and faster than level 45 tanks. If they have upgraded movement speed on top of that, they might be hard to catch, and can slowly chip your health away.

Auto 5 can aim 3 turrets at you at a time, which could make it nearly as powerful as a Triplet. You should look for a moment where the turrets are distracted by other tanks or shapes, and ambush it. Don't forget that the AI-controlled turrets have a square-shaped field of view, like bosses and crashers. As your device's screen is much wider horizontally than vertically, it makes vertical ambushes much less effective, as 1. you will take damage from the AI, 2. it may avert the player of your presence. Unlike most tanks, your best choice is therefore to attack horizontally.

Snipers can be more tricky than you think, especially those with high reload and movement speed. You'll have to agilely dodge the bullets to eventually reach out to them, but it's going to be tough if you aren't very experienced at dodging. Due to them having a FOV upgrade, they are harder to ambush, but it can still work if it's really distracted, or just blind xD. Assassins and Rangers are basically Snipers with lower reload. If they don't have maxed speed and you have full health, going straight into them is an option. Though, the thing is they have a huge FOV. But, there is a trick. If they try to "snipe you", you should use the bullets to guess where the tank is, and go to the direction where that bullet came from. Dodge them as much as you can, and eventually you will find them. Since they have low reload, going straight into them is an option.

Trappers are mostly rammer-proof, but can't kill you either if you stay away. You can try to find a gap between the trap shield and navigate into it to try and kill the Trapper, but they will most likely see you and turn their launcher* to you, dealing rapid bursts of damage and forcing you to retreat. You can try vertically ambushing them, though, but watch out to not run into a wall of traps and surprise yourself. Gunner trappers, though, will mostly aim their gunner barrels at you instead of their launcher. Since they have moderate damage, you can try and kill them, but if they have upgraded their movement speed they might escape and go back into the trap field they created with their back. You can't chase them anymore if they did so. Mega Trappers have even stronger traps (85% of a destroyer bullet), but have low reload, and low bullet speed (like all traps). If you can navigate around the traps, you have a chance to kill them, but you have nearly no room for mistakes as their traps are very strong and two of them could kill you.