The Diepio Auto-Tanks Guide

Auto 5 Tips

A good build to use would be something along the lines of 00057777 or 00067767 These builds allow you to move fast, shoot quickly, and defend when needed Starting off with movement You always need to be moving as an auto 5 Moving around and chasing people is a key factor in the auto 5's strategy Also the movement is good against dodging bullets from bullet spammers If you encounter a focused bullet spammer or a spread out bullet spammer, what you need to do is dodge and run while shooting at them You need to let them chase you and most of them will be cocky enough to die to your bullets that you fire as you run Against more skilled bullet spammers you might want to try to stay either north or south of them so your bullets can shoot at them while they can't see you So secondly the quick shooting of the auto 5 helps chase smaller or weak tanks

When you encounter a weak enemy Try to chase after them while staying either east or west of them to get a better view of where you are shooting When chasing a player turn on auto fire so you can shoot where they are going to be instead of where they were And the quick shooting helps against all types of rammers If you feel better using auto fire against bullet spammers you can go ahead and do so But I prefer to have the auto cannons do their job when against bullet spammers when farming shapes you shouldn't have it on since there is no point to that And whether you are on attack or defense, it really is up to you whether you prefer auto fire or not since it can be good in any fights Anyway, against rammers you want to try to stay to the west or east of them This allows you to see where they are coming from and allows you to predict their attacks Most rammers underestimate the auto 5 so try baiting them by looking retarded and keeping your auto fire off Then when they get close enough turn on the auto fire and move in the opposite direction they are moving This will slow them down and prevent them from reaching you and when they try to run you can chase them with your bullets and further restrict their movements Against overlords try to stay on the north or south of them.

Because your auto cannons can target them even if they can't see you Drones can be pesky so try to move away and dodge them while shooting at them and the overlord, most of them make the mistake of ignoring your bullets and end up dying after one attempt So finally on defense, in gamemodes like FFA/Maze there will most likely be teamers and will target you since most of them underestimate auto 5 Auto 5 is great at crowd control so when going up against a team try to have your auto fire on the closest person to you and change when a new target comes to view Try to force them into attacking from one side so you can handle both at the same time This works not only against teams of rammers but against teams of bullet spammers as well In TDM there is a base which can be useful when retreating against hoardes of teams Basically follow what I said for FFA/Maze and it will work in TDM with the plus side being you can retreat when in extreme danger The last tip I have is against the sniper branch.

Snipers are very annoying with auto 5 since it is hard to counter them The only tips I have is to try to force them against a wall or corner by using your auto fire to corral them and dodging their bullets at the same time If you do have trouble against a good sniper its best to try to run and hope it gets distracted by another player since snipers are vulnerable to a lot of other tanks Well hybrid isn't an exact counter but it is good and bad at the same time If you have auto fire on and its firing somewhere else or your auto gun is targeting something else then it is easy for a hybrid to sneak up and take one good shot But most of the time having auto fire off is the best way to fend off a hybrid since they can't get close if the auto cannons keep targeting them Once you got them on the defense, do the same thing with them as sniper and corral them into a corner or wall where is it easier to kill them If you have any more questions about this feel free to DM me!

Auto 3 Builds:0/0/0/5/7/7/7/7 - Good on offense and defense, having a lot of movement speed and reload is enough for dodging bullets and 5 bullet speed is fast enough to kill tanks that attack 0/0/0/6/7/7/6/7 - A mixture of the first build and a glass build, the faster bullet speed makes up for less reload by helping keep away rammers and shoot other attacking tanks easier 0/0/0/7/7/7/6/6 - A pure glass build, this build is good in TDM since you have limited opportunities to kill someone, the faster bullet speed is used to snipe down players that run away and makes up for having less reload and movement speed *I prefer to use the first build, since it's a good all around build that can be used in all gamemodes No Reload Destroyer Builds: 1/2/2/7/7/7/0/7 - This build is used if you sometimes have difficulty dodging bullets to be able to sneak attack, the health stats help you take enough hits to reach your target and get a good shot off 3/1/1/7/7/7/0/7 - A good build for FFA/ Maze, the health regen allows you to heal fast enough to handle another attack, it also has health stats that allows you to take a few hits so that you can land a good shot *WARNING: These are NO RELOAD builds, if you don't have a good aim and don't have much experience with the destroyer subclass, I suggest not using these builds

FFA/Maze Sniper Builds (Works for TDM also): 0/0/0/6/7/7/6/7 - Good all-around build, having max movement speed is always important in a sniper FFA/Maze build because it allows you to retreat and dodge easier, the less bullet speed is sometimes easier to aim but to some it might be harder than having 7, but the 6 reload makes up for that 0/0/0/7/7/7/5/7 - Good build for sneak attacks, when using sniper in FFA/Maze, always try to sneak up on your opponent and land one good shot off which can sometimes be lethal, this helps with that tactic by having a faster bullet but less reload *WARNING: If you have trouble using snipers in general, I would suggest trying these builds in TDM first before moving to a most intense battleground in FFA/Maze If you have any questions, or need a build for another tank, feel free to DM me anytime!