Diep Dominator Study

The Stats of Dominators

All dominators either in sandbox or domination share the same stats with their counterpart in the other mode. Since no one has presented the domination stats so far (at least I haven't seen it yet on reddit) I decided to share them with you.

Starting with general equations and values we got :


Bullet Durability = 700 S ← 1 S is the durability of 1 yellow square

Bullet Penetration = 800 HP

Bullet Damage (DPL) = 70 HP

Reload : It shots 1 bullet every 1.8s

Bullet Speed : About the same speed as a destroyer with 3 stat points in bullet speed.


Bullet Durability = 42 S

Bullet Penetration = 160 HP

Bullet Damage (DPL) = 21 HP

Reload : It shots 1 bullet every 0.92s (per barrel)

Bullet Speed : About the same speed as a trapper with maxed out bullet speed.


Bullet Durability = 3.5 S

Bullet Penetration = 40 HP

Bullet Damage (DPL) = 7 HP

Reload : It shots 1 bullet every 0.2s (per barrel)

Bullet Speed : About the same speed as a gunner with 0 stat points in bullet speed.

To give you a comparison how powerful a destroyer dominator is. A full upgraded spike has a durability of 287.3 S. So placing 3 spikes back to back and shooting a destroyer bullet through them results in the death of 2 of the spikes and the surviving spike will loose 147.53 HP and will only have 190.47 HP after the collision.

Also to get the durability of the dominator itself you use the general durability equation.

GD = 1/80 * GH * DPL

GD : general durbility

GH : general health

DPL : damage per loop

with GH = 6148 HP at lvl 75 for a dominator in domination and DPL = 40 HP you get

GD = 1/80 * 40 * 6148 S = 3074 S

For comparison :

A maxed out destroyer bullet has 105 S durability. So you need 29 shoots to kill one dominator if you disregard regenration. With regeneration you need probably 30+ shoots (I could caluclate it but I don't want this post to become too long).

Now you know the stats for the dominators in the game. Do whatever you think is useful with them.

Thanks for reading my post and have a great day/night.

Analysis of Dominators

All dominators either in sandbox or domination share the same stats with their counterpart in the other mode. Since no one has presented the domination stats so far (at least I haven't seen it yet on reddit) I decided to share them with you.

Starting with general equations and values we got :


Bullet Durability = 700 S ← 1 S is the durability of 1 yellow square

Bullet Penetration = 800 HP

Bullet Damage (DPL) = 70 HP

Reload : It shots 1 bullet every 1.8s

Bullet Speed : About the same speed as a destroyer with 3 stat points in bullet speed.


Bullet Durability = 42 S

Bullet Penetration = 160 HP

Bullet Damage (DPL) = 21 HP

Reload : It shots 1 bullet every 0.92s (per barrel)

Bullet Speed : About the same speed as a trapper with maxed out bullet speed.


Bullet Durability = 3.5 S

Bullet Penetration = 40 HP

Bullet Damage (DPL) = 7 HP

Reload : It shots 1 bullet every 0.2s (per barrel)

Bullet Speed : About the same speed as a gunner with 0 stat points in bullet speed.

To give you a comparison how powerful a destroyer dominator is. A full upgraded spike has a durability of 287.3 S. So placing 3 spikes back to back and shooting a destroyer bullet through them results in the death of 2 of the spikes and the surviving spike will loose 147.53 HP and will only have 190.47 HP after the collision.

Also to get the durability of the dominator itself you use the general durability equation.

GD = 1/80 * GH * DPL

GD : general durbility

GH : general health

DPL : damage per loop

with GH = 6148 HP at lvl 75 for a dominator in domination and DPL = 40 HP you get

GD = 1/80 * 40 * 6148 S = 3074 S

For comparison :

A maxed out destroyer bullet has 105 S durability. So you need 29 shoots to kill one dominator if you disregard regenration. With regeneration you need probably 30+ shoots (I could caluclate it but I don't want this post to become too long).