The Diepio General Fighter Guide

How to git gud at Fighter

1. Reflexes - Being able to react to your opponents when you enter their FoV is crucial to a Fighter's survival, especially in FFA. Just don't charge at a Destroyer lol. As I've been maining the Destroyer branch for months, mastering this wasn't much of a problem with Fighter. When you master this, your chances of survival will increase a lot. Just note that I myself don't have good enough reflexes to dodge a Destroyer bullet from a vertical ambush/me charging at it unknowingly. 2. Dodging - While having good reflexes is great, what truly sets apart the pros from the noobs in Fighter is the ability to dodge. Sure Fighters find it easy to dodge bullets due to their high speed along with the recoil, but the ability to dodge the enemies' bullets while bombarding them with your own is a key to killing most of the other tanks as Fighter, especially when you're a glass Fighter. I suggest practicing this at Sandbox with a friend or just play Fighter a lot and you'll get the hang of it eventually. If you have troubles, feel free to DM me and I'll try helping you as much as I can. 3. Knowing your enemy's movements - Sure this sounds hard, but trust me it's not. Since Fighter requires you to outskill and outsmart your opponent, predicting their movements gives you a huge advantage over even the tanks you might find hard to kill (such as focus bullet spammers). For example if an enemy is low on health (in TDM) it's obvious he will go back to the base so try intercepting them. In FFA they will want to retreat as further from you as possible, if it's a focus bullet spammer you're chasing their bullet trail will give you their location. This one comes to me naturally as I always try to be 1 step ahead of my enem(edited)

4. Future shots - This correlates with my 3rd tip, if you know where your enemy will move next, you can use your bullets to intercept their route and possibly kill them. You have no idea how much this helps me kill tanks I can't fight head-on. This is a must know technique for Fighter users, if you learn this you won't regret it, you have my word. 5. Your own movements - Knowing your opponent's movements is good, but it's more important for you to master your own movements. When you have a high score, it's natural that people will try to hunt you down, so when that happens, DO NOT go straight up/down as you'll find yourself a victim of vertical ambushes, if it's a Destroyer ambush you'll die. Instead, go to your left/right as much as possible, and if you really need to go up/down, then zig-zag. Having good reflexes helps you survive ambushes from mostly anything other than Destroyers or some Snipers.(edited)


Fighter techniques: 1. Tap Firing - This technique is solely the reason why I never use Auto Fire as Fighter. You just spam left-click and ONLY your front and side cannons will shoot. Very useful against rammers and to attack enemies without alerting them of your "full presence". 2. Dash - This technique is very useful against classes that have no recoil and Snipers. Works with all builds with 0-7 bullet speed. Basically you start attacking the enemy and once it fires at your direction you "dash" left/right while using your bullets as a cover so it disrupts their aim and forces them to aim at you. This works extremely well and can pummel your enemy into nothingness. 3. Strafe - This technique correlates with the Dash technique, but the main difference is that Strafe only works with high bullet speed builds. You don't charge at the opponent, rather you keep your distance and "snipe" it. List of Glass Fighters (I suggest practicing with at least 5 of these and you'll be sure to find your favorite glass build): 0/0/0/5/7/7/7/7, 0/0/0/6/7/7/7/6, 0/0/0/7/7/7/7/5, 0/0/0/6/6/7/7/7, 0/0/0/6/7/6/7/7, 0/0/0/7/7/6/7/6, 0/0/0/7/7/5/7/7, 0/0/0/6/7/7/6/7, 0/0/0/7/6/6/7/7, 0/0/0/7/5/7/7/7