The Diepio Predator Guide

How to use Predator

Predator is a level 45 tank which branches off of Hunter and has 3 powerful bullets and bigger DPS than any other Sniper. It also comes with a new ability - scoping. With right-click, it's FOV extends at the side you pointed your mouse on, however don't use it for too long as you risk getting flanked. Also, Predator with the scope technically has the highest FOV in the whole game. The best build for Predator (in my opinion) would be 0/0/0/7/7/7/5/7, because of the max bullet speed which surprises the enemies and renders them unable to dodge, max bullet power for obvious reasons, 5 reload because it's enough and max movement to escape from tricky situations and mostly navigating your way around the server. However, that build requires a slightly better than average aim, so if you're not confident in your aim, you can use builds such as 0/0/0/7/7/6/6/7, 0/0/0/6/7/6/7/7, 0/0/0/6/7/7/7/6 etc. To use Predator to it's full extent, I suggest stacking the bullets (Solace's previous guide should help you do that), it can one hit kill glass cannons if all the bullets land, and it is a force to be reckoned with. However, the downside to that is that you have to keep auto fire on for your bullets to be stacked, which in turn may cause to be a problem as you want to be sneaky like most Snipers tend to be. To help you understand how big all the Snipers' FOV-s are, here's a few diagrams showing you the individual FOV-s of all the Snipers:

Now that I've covered the basics of Predator, I will tell you it's matchups and how to deal with them:

1. Bullet spammers Focused bullet spammers such as Twin, Triplet etc. can be dealt with rather easily if you can dodge and position yourself. First off, locate them without letting them know you're there, and once you've done it, ambush them and shoot them (preferrably a vertical ambush). Now, once you've done that, they will know your position and will shoot there, so dodge those bullets and reposition yourself (again, without letting the bullets expose your location) and shoot them down from another location. Keep doing that and you're guaranteed to win. Against Octotanks, just shoot at them as you can't land a direct hit due to their bullets, just keep pressuring them. Against Spreadshots, you should ambush them and shoot them, once they've discovered your location, you can fight them head-on (with some bullet dodging) as their reload is too low to put up a fight against you, and they can't outpenetrate your stacked bullets. Against Pentashots however, just ambush them and repeat, they are very hard to take down due to their speed and area coverage. 2.Rammers Against rammers, you might wanna taunt them a bit, let them be overconfident and let them attack you. I do that by purposely missing my shots or staying stationary until they attack. In the case of Boosters, once they attack and get shot multiple times, they shouldn't be able to escape due to your bullet speed. Smashers will take more time as they have more health, but remember "Rammers' overconfidence is their downfall".

3. Drone classes Here's where it gets interesting. Most drone classes you see will take out any Sniper easily. However, with 7 movement speed and accurate shots you can kill them instead. To kill them, you need to be able to effectively dodge drones and position yourself in a position where you can shoot them down from. Again, it's the same story as with rammers, you wait for them to attack you and then you dodge a bit and shoot past their drones while backing away. Once you've done that, reposition yourself and shoot them again. Once they are low on health, they'll put their drones as a shield and run, so chase them and land the final blow. However, there is one drone class you must stay away from, especially if it's a pro, and that is Factory.

4. Trappers Trappers are very hard to take on due to the power of their traps. My best advice would be noscoping them while they are away from their "trap nest" and while they are moving and creating new traps. However, you'll almost never see a Trapper in FFA. 5. Destroyers Many people think that Predator is the Destroyer branch's hard counter, and it arguably is. However, due to the power of the Destroyers' bullets and the recoil from it, they will usually run away most of the time. In FFA, I suggest you keep pressuring them until they've reached a wall/corner where they are at their weakest. 6. Snipers As I've mentioned before, Predator has the highest DPS out of all the Snipers, which gives it an edge in a Sniper vs Predator. However, due to the stacked bullets, the Snipers find it easier to dodge them. Against Snipers, you might wanna de-stack the bullets so that they have a harder time dodging all of them. But if you're confident in your aim, you can fight them with stacked bullets instead. I suggest using scope while backing away from the Sniper, you want them to chase you. Then slip away and ambush them (won't work against Rangers). In most of the cases, it's a game of dodging...