About Us


Welcome! This is the HQ of the Archiver's Association. Here, you will find many works related to Diep.io, Arras.io, and Starve.io. Our goal is to compile all diep.io/arras.io resources that may ever be helpful. If you feel any pages or information has been used without permission, please let us know. Thanks for coming here today!

Our members are united by: our interest in the arts and sciences.

Over here, you can explore our works, or philosophy, and our ideas, our produced pieces of literature and artworks. 

We produce(d) and have collected pieces of diep.io, starve.io or arras.io related art, literature, as well as have discussions on various topics.  

Explore this website, and have a great day! 


1. Where can I find guides about using Diep.io Tanks???

Guides to using many tanks can be found here CLICK HERE

2. How about Arras.io servers?

Oh. Those can be found in the " ARRAS.IO SERVERS & OTHER LINKS " page.

3. What are Diep & Arras abbreviations?

They are name abbreviations used when discussing Arras.io & Diep.io tanks.

4. Wow! This is c̶r̶i̶n̶g̶e̶ epic! 

We know. Thanks for visiting!

5.Wait, that's not HIS art, its someone elses!

Oops. We'll fix this. Contact drugcityminecraft@gmail.com

6. Hey! That's my art!

Oops. We'll fix this. Contact Proletariat_Guardian on reddit. We will always give creators credit.