R.C. Sproul on the Problem of Evil

“Does God Control Everything?”


It must be good that evil exists, because God sovereignly, providentially ordains only what is good. In terms of His eternal purpose, God has esteemed it good that evil should be allowed to happen in this world.


Genesis 50:20 “You meant evil against me, but God meant it for good…”



“What is evil and where did it come from?”



“Does God create evil?”



“Why Does God Allow Evil”


We know that God Himself never does that which is evil. Nevertheless, He also ordains whatsoever comes to pass. Though He does not do evil and does not create evil, He does ordain that evil exists. If it does exist, and if God is sovereign, then obviously He must have been able to prevent its existence. If He allowed evil to enter into this universe, it could only be by His sovereign decision. Since His sovereign decisions always follow the perfection of His being, we must conclude that His decision to allow evil to exist is a good decision.