Revival in Almolonga

Ki'che' women in the Almolonga market

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I've been asked many time why I go to Guatemala?; why do I think I'm making any difference in anyone's life?; isn't it just a drop in the ocean of need? Apart from the fact that I was called to go (Acts 13:2) I explain that the results are in God's hands, but there is NO hope for the women and children until the men get right with God. The malignant machismo culture, with infidelity, domestic violence, abandonment, and the curse of alcohol, are destroying the families. The girls don't get love and affirmation from their absent dad, so look to some boy, who gets them pregnant at 15, and the cycle of poverty and hopelessness continues. The boys see their father abusing their mother, and will grow up to do the same. And education is changing nothing.

One pebble in a pond creates expanding circles. One man who is born again and in a Bible believing and teaching church, changes the future of that family, and can change the future of a neighborhood and town. I've seen it, but it is a terrible struggle for the local pastors as men fall away - return to the church - fall away again. Only the Gospel can put new men in sin filled bodies.

Please pray for revival in Nueva Santa Rosa, Casillas, Chapas, Aldea Chupadero, San Rafael Las Flores, Colonia Las Vistas, San Juan Tecuaco, Izabal,  Aldea Panimaquip, Cantón San Martín and Aldea Nuevo Tulate.

"Jesus is Lord of Almolonga"

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1/2 way through this video of Quetzaltenango is an aerial view of the lush fields of Almolonga 

2021 short video - Facebook