About Grace Ministries / Ministerios de Gracia, Guatemala

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Please see our Facebook page for recent ministry activities 


1 Peter 3:15 

In your life honor Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who 

asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. 


Adoren a Cristo como el Señor de su vida. Si alguien les pregunta acerca de la esperanza 

que tienen como creyentes, estén siempre preparados para dar una explicación.

Gideon 2018 resized.JPG

Group hug with Jóvenes del Ministerio de Gracia, 2023

Our Mission Statement

Acts 26:17-18 

We are called by God and sent by the Holy Spirit "...to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith..." in Jesus Christ.

Somos llamados por Dios y enviados por el Espíritu Santo "... para abrir sus ojos y convertirlos de las tinieblas a la luz, y del poder de Satanás a Dios, para que reciban el perdón de los pecados y un lugar entre los que son santificados por la fe ..." en Jesucristo.

Our Guiding Scriptures

2 Thessalonians 1:11-12 (NLT/NTV)

We always pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling and may fulfill every resolve for good and every work of faith by his power, so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ. 

Así que seguimos orando por ustedes, pidiéndole a nuestro Dios que los ayude para que vivan una vida digna de su llamado. Que él les dé el poder para llevar a cabo todas las cosas buenas que la fe los mueve a hacer. Entonces el nombre de nuestro Señor Jesús será honrado por la vida que llevan ustedes, y serán honrados junto con él. Todo esto se hace posible por la gracia de nuestro Dios y Señor, Jesucristo.  

1 Corinthians 16:13-14 

Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. Do everything in love.

Manténganse alerta; permanezcan firmes en la fe; sean valientes y fuertes. Hagan todo con amor.


Following a mission trip to Tegucigalpa, Honduras with the Mississippi Baptist Convention in 1999, Grace Medical Missions was established by Dr. Beth and Dr. Drew in preparation of leading a medical/dental/evangelistic team to Marcala, Honduras in 2000.  Our mission then was to bring lost people to a saving relationship with Jesus Christ by setting up primary care medical clinics where the Gospel is shared and the physical needs of those we serve are met.

Grace Medical Missions began operating medical clinics in churches in Guatemala in January 2003.  Medical supplies, vitamins, and medications have been purchased from Blessings International (Tulsa, OK) and also obtained from donations by medical professionals and pharmaceutical representatives.

In 2010, the government of Guatemala made it quite difficult to bring medicine into the country from the U.S. and our primary focus became supporting our partner churches through preaching and neighborhood evangelism, and Bible, food, and clothing distribution. 


Dr. Drew and Dr. Beth are members of a Southern Baptist church, as have been most of our team members, but our teams have been blessed by the participation of members of Presbyterian, Lutheran, Methodist, Friends, Catholic and Independent churches.

Our partner churches in Guatemala are mostly independent Pentecostal or affiliated with Asambleas de Dios, Iglesia de Dios, and Iglesia Evangelica Camino Biblico. 


1. We have collected and purchased medicines and medical supplies for Dr Mario and Dr Shenny Armas to give to indigent patients in their office in Nueva Santa Rosa.

2. In January 2006 we started a Food Distribution Program and now purchase bulk commodities (beans, rice, fortified powdered milk, pasta, cooking oil, sugar, salt) to be distributed by our partner churches; primarily to widows and abandoned women and children. Since 2018 we have purchased food for 11 churches.  

3. In January 2007 we began fund raising to help construct a building for the church pastored by Dr. Mario, and in May 2008 we had our first medical clinic and worship service in Lluvias de Gracia, now Iglesia Del Dios Viviende.

4. We have partnered with Rudy Del Cid and the Gideon Camp in Nueva Santa Rosa to distribute Bibles in area schools, which frequently allow us to enter only because of the presence of Norteamericanos.

5. In 2017 & 2018 we gave Spanish-English Gospel of John to the Casillas schools and an area pastor to use in teaching English - Gloria a Dios!

6. In 2014 & 2015 we conducted Sports Evangelism clinics with the assistance of Armando Del Cid, one of the Sports Directors for the Casillas schools.

7. In 2014 we made our first trip to Las Vistas, a Colonia in the hills northwest of Guatemala City and Iglesia de Dios Evangelio Completo Aposento Alto.

8. In 2016 as the scope of our ministry expanded we changed our name to Grace Ministries/Minesterios de Gracia, Guatemala.

9. In 2017 we traveled to Nuevo Tulate in SE Guatemala, with Pastor Elfre Morales and Iglesia Dios Es Amor, which serves a nearby village of the Poqomam nativos. With our support, Pastor Elfre thereafter continued to distribute food in and around Las Vistas and Nuevo Tulate.

9. In 2017 we traveled to Iglesia de Dios Fuente de Vida, Barrio el Caribe, Morales, Izabal (north on the Caribbean), Pastor Mauro Osorio, for food and clothing distribution, and continued to support Pastor Mauro and his church during and after Hurricanes Eta and Iota in November 2020, a fire in the community in April 2022, and flooding after Tropical Storm Julia in September 2022. 

10. In 2018 we joined with Gaby Molina's ministry in Aldea de Chupadero, making improvements to a elementary school and distributing Gideon Bibles in the school, and have continued to distribute food in Iglesia Voz de Dios. 

11. In 2018 we made our first trip to San Juan Tecuaco/San Luis, east of Chiquimulilla, distributing food and clothing in 3 small churches. With our support, Pastor Medardo coordinated another distribution in 4 churches in September 2020,  May 2021, November 2021, and March 2023.

12. In 2019 , young people from Iglesia de Dios Evangelio Completo Aposento Alto in Las Vistas traveled to Iglesia de Dios Fuente de Vida in Izabal for a kids camp and food and clothing distribution. They have also given food and clothing to those living on the streets in Guatemala City and have conducted several children's evangelism events in Las Vistas.

13. We support the ministry of Hanny Romero Chinchilla (Betty’s sister) to widows and single mothers in Las Vistas.

14. In 2021 we began supporting the church planting effort of Pastor Elfre Morales in Nuevo Tulate, Guanagazapa and visited Iglesia Camino, Verdad y Vida, Ministerios de Gracia in November 2021. A church building and pastor's casita were constructed with our assistance in 2022. 

15. In 2022 we found another partner; Pastor Israel Rosas, Ministerios de Compasión en Acción 

Israel Rosas | Facebook

Compasión en Acción – Compasión en Acción (compasionenaccion.net)  

Jóvenes del Ministerio de Gracia, Colonia Las Vistas has joined with Pastor Israel in his ministry to children and families in Cantón San Martín, Sololá (south of Lake Atitlán) and Aldea Panimaquip, San Lucas Toliman, Sololá. Both communities are primarily Kaqchikel. 

16. In June and December, 2022 Jóvenes del Ministerio de Gracia traveled to Iglesia de Dios Fuente de Vida, Pastor Mauro Osorio, in Izabal for a children's evangelism event.

17. At the end of 2022 and 2023 we sent money to 11 partner churches for children's Christmas celebrations/Celebración Navideña de Niños, and to 2 for Vacation Bible School/ Escuelita Bíblica de Vacaciones.

18. In March 2023 and January 2024 we visited the churches in Nuevo Tulate, San Luis, Mixco, and Las Vistas, giving children's gifts, clothing collected in L.A., and money to purchase food for distribution. We also gave the pastors Lifeway Spanish language adult and children's Bible studies.


Dr. Drew is always interested in YOUR vision for ministry and is excited to see where God might take us next!

Any born-again believer with a servant heart and selfless spirit can join our team. You do NOT need to be a medical professional nor speak Spanish.  Dr. Drew, however, must be able to prepare you for what will be one of the most physically, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally challenging weeks of your life. This is especially important as team members have come from churches in AZ, CA, KS, MO, New Mexico, and TX and our first face-to-face team meeting may be in Guatemala City!  

FIRST: Call Dr. Drew at 602-820-0327  

If you have a bad experience in Guatemala, it is my fault for either not adequately preparing you for what you are getting into OR for letting someone join the team who should not have done so at this point in their Christian walk.

I will honestly answer all your questions and do my best to explain both the blessings and the challenges that are part of every international mission trip. 

SECOND: Meet with your pastor to confirm your spiritual readiness for this walk with God, and gather a group of prayer partners to start praying NOW. Even before answering the call to join us, you WILL experience spiritual attacks. Prayer is your protection before, during, and after your time in Guatemala. 


Grace Ministries is not registered with the IRS as a 501(c)(3) organization, and donations are not therefore tax deductible.  Monetary donations are of course appreciated and will be used primarily for the Food Distribution Program and emergency assistance, unless otherwise directed. Donations are never used for organizational overhead expenses.

Nice, new or lightly worn shoes & clothing, for infants, children of all ages, and adults may be sent directly to Betty's store in L.A. for shipment to Guatemala.

For more information contact Dr. Drew at drewhausemd@yahoo.com 

C.H. Spurgeon  

“Si U. ha vivido para traer a un pecador a Cristo, no ha vivido en vano.”

“If you have lived to bring one sinner to Christ, you have not lived in vain.”

Happy kids and their gift bags in San Luis 2018

Kid's Evangelism & Gift Bags San Luis 2018 resized.JPG