#define osip_uri_uparam_add ( url, name, value ) osip_uri_param_add((url)->url_params,name,value)
Allocate and add a url parameter element in a url element.
url The element to work on.
name The token name.
value The token value.
int osip_route_to_str ( const osip_route_t * header, char ** dest )
Get a string representation of a Route element.
header The element to work on.
dest A pointer on the new allocated string.
int osip_route_parse ( osip_route_t * header, const char * hvalue )
Parse a Route element.
header The element to work on.
hvalue The string to parse.
int osip_route_init(osip_route_t ** header)
Allocate a Route element.
header The element to work on.
int osip_message_set_route(osip_message_t * sip, const char * hvalue )
Set the Route header.
sip The element to work on.
hvalue The string describing the element.
int osip_message_set_body ( osip_message_t * sip, const char * buf, size_t length)
Fill the body of message.
sip The structure to store results.
buf The pointer to the start of body.
length The length of body;
int osip_message_set_content_type (osip_message_t * sip, const char * hvalue)
Set the Content-type header.
sip The element to work on.
hvalue The string describing the element.
int osip_message_set_header(osip_message_t * sip, const char * hname, const char * hvalue)
Allocate and Add an "unknown" header (not defined in oSIP).
sip The element to work on.
hname The token name.
hvalue The token value.