
install seagull

To compile Seagull from the source

start with seagull.svn directory

I hav installed it on Fedora10

First install .ksh profile as it is not there

#yum install ksh*

Now run the following files

run "./build.ksh"


run "./install.ksh"


you may also run following files before hand



Note:some of the following C file may have some errors related to synatx and

header file "string.h" which may vary according to distribution.

correct them accordingly.

library-crypto filter-frame

library-general-methods tool-csvextract

generator-common library-java-synchro

parser-frame tool-csvsplit

generator-control library-parser-h248

protocol-binary tool-ctrl

generator-core library-parser-msrp

transport-frame work-1.8.1

generator-ext-AgnerLib library-parser-xml

common generator-model

library-trans-extsctp protocol-data

data-log generator-scenario

library-trans-ip protocol-external

generator-stats library-trans-octcap32

protocol-frame packaging

generator-traffic library-trans-tls




Add /usr/local/bin in your PATH environment variable

#export "PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin"

Execution environment are in exe-env/XXX-env/,

XXX-env are

binary-body-not-interp-env diameter-env h323-registration-env

mbi-env msrp-env orga-env sip-env tcap-ip-env

dcc-env h248-env http-env mbi-env.tgz octcap-env

radius-env synchro-env xcap-env

Go in one execution environment

#cd XXX-env

#cd run

now run cliect and server in different tabs.

Key: Description

+ :

Increase call rate by call-rate-scale (default 1)

This key allows to increase the call rate from the call-rate-scale value.

The default value of the call-rate-scale is 1.

Usable only in client mode. It has no effect in server mode.

- :

Decrease call rate by call-rate-scale (default 1)

This key allows to decrease the call rate from the call-rate-scale value.

The default value of the call-rate-scale is 1.

Usable only in client mode. It has no effect in server mode

c :

Command mode (format : set var value)

set call-rate 50 : call-rate become 50 c/s

set call-rate-scale 5 : use ± key to increase/decrease call-rate by 5

Usable only in client mode. It has no effect in server mode.

q :

Tool exit (forced when pressed two times)

In server mode, Seagull does not accept any new incoming call.

Once all ongoing calls are finished, the tool exits.

In client mode, Seagull does not place any new call.

Once all ongoing calls are finished, Seagull exits Pressing the

q/ctrl-C key a second time forces Seagull to quit, even if all ongoing calls are not finished.

p :

Pause/Restart traffic

In server mode, Seagull does not accept any new incoming call. Current calls continue.

In client mode, Seagull does not place any new call. Ongoing calls are processed normally.

By pressing p key a second time, seagull will restart traffic.In server mode,

Seagull accepts again new incoming call.In client mode, Seagull smoothly restarts the traffic,

to go back to the required call rate.

b :

Burst traffic (after pause) Once the traffic is paused, restart traffic.

In client mode, Seagull will try to create all missed calls during the pause

(for example, for a 5s pause with a 10c/s call rate,seagull will try to start

5*10=500 calls when the "b" key is pressed).

f :

Force init scenario (switch to traffic) This key allows to jump directly to the "traffic" section

of a scenario, without waiting for the "init" section to be completed.

d :

Reset cumulative counters for each stat set in config file Reset the counters.

This option is available only if log-stat, log-protocol, display-protocol or

display-scenario statistics options are set in the configuration file.

a :

activate/deactivate: percentage in Response time screen Display the main screen

with the general statistics. Press "1" again to display the statistics per scenario.

1 :

Traffic screen Display the main screen with the general statistics. Press "1"

again to display the statistics per scenario.

2 :

Response time screen The second column gives the percentage of the calls for each

response time range, if the percentages are activated (see 'a' key).This screen is

relevant only if you set the proper options in the configuration files and if you

set the start and stop of the timerin the scenario.

h : Help screen


This key activates or deactivates the computation of the percentages of the response

times screen, only if the log-stat is set in the configuration file and if you set

the start and stop of the timer in the scenario.

3 : Protocol octcap-itu screen(s)

A :

Scenario traffic stats If you asked for statistics at the scenario level, you can reach

the corresponding screen by pressing the corresponding letter.A is for the first

section in the scenario, B for the second one, C for the third one,and so on for all the

sections used in your scenario.The number of scenario section statistics screens is limited to 26

B : Scenario default 0 stats

C : Scenario default 1 stats

D : Scenario default 2 stats

E : Scenario default 3 stats