code discription

(even more)

Here is a list of all documented functions, variables, defines, enums, and typedefs with links to the documentation:


* AKA() : DigestAKAv1MD5.c

* base64_decode_string() : base64.c

* base64_encode_string2() : base64.c

* calc_HA1() : rfc2617.c

* calc_response() : rfc2617.c

* ComputeOPc() : milenage.c

* f1() : milenage.c

* f1star() : milenage.c

* f2345() : milenage.c

* f5star() : milenage.c

* MD5() : DigestAKAv1MD5.c

* RijndaelEncrypt() : rijndael.c

* RijndaelKeySchedule() : rijndael.c


* base64 : base64.c

* hexa : DigestAKAv1MD5.c

* OP : milenage.c


* AK : DigestAKAv1MD5.c

* AMF : DigestAKAv1MD5.c

* AUTN : DigestAKAv1MD5.c

* AUTS : DigestAKAv1MD5.c

* AUTS64 : DigestAKAv1MD5.c

* CK : DigestAKAv1MD5.c

* IK : DigestAKAv1MD5.c

* K : DigestAKAv1MD5.c

* MAC : DigestAKAv1MD5.c

* RAND : DigestAKAv1MD5.c

* RES : DigestAKAv1MD5.c

* RESHEX : DigestAKAv1MD5.c


* HA_MD5 : rfc2617.h

* HA_MD5_SESS : rfc2617.h

Methods to handle both SIP and IMS eXosip events


Call * find_call (int cid)

void add_call (Call *new_call)

void delete_call (int cid)

void call_released (eXosip_event_t *je)

void start_rtp_session (eXosip_event_t *je)

void common_process_info (eXosip_event_t *je)

Function Documentation

void add_call ( Call * new_call )

Adds a call to the call_list

Parameters: new_call - The call to add to the list

void call_released ( eXosip_event_t * je )

Removes a call from the call list as a result of the call being released by the remote host or of a global failure

Parameters: je - a pointer to the event that caused the call to be releaseed

void common_process_info ( eXosip_event_t * je )

Process a INFO message, used for transmitting DTMF tones

Parameters: je - a pointer to the INFO event

void delete_call ( int cid )

Removes the call with the given call ID from the call list

Parameters: cid - The call ID of the call to be removed

Call* find_call ( int cid )

Finds the call with the given call ID in the call list

Parameters: cid - The call ID to search for

Returns: the Call struct or NULL if not found

void start_rtp_session ( eXosip_event_t * je )

Sets up and starts an RTP session

Parameters: je - a pointer to the event that caused the rtp session to be initiated

Methods to handle both SIP and IMS interface events


void set_mode ()

void terminate_call ()

void reject_call ()

void common_start_im_session (const gchar *chat_uri_entry)

void common_send_dtmf (int val)

Function Documentation

void common_send_dtmf ( int val )

Sends DTMF tones in an NFO message

Parameters: val - the value of the DTMF tone to send

void common_start_im_session ( const gchar * chat_uri_entry )

Starts an Instant Messaging session as a result of sending a MESSAGE Opens an IM Window and brings correct tab to the foreground Method is the same for IMS and SIP mode

Parameters: chat_uri_entry - URI to start the IM session with

void reject_call ( )

Rejects a call, method is the same for SIP and IMS mode

void set_mode ( )

Sets the mode into either IMS or SIP mode, used only on startup

void terminate_call ( )

Terminates a call, method is the same for SIP and IMS mode

Methods to handle IMS eXosip events


void ims_process_401 (eXosip_event_t *je)

void ims_process_registration_200ok (eXosip_event_t *je)

int ims_message_requires_preconditions (osip_message_t *message)

int ims_message_requires_100rel (osip_message_t *message)

void ims_process_incoming_invite (eXosip_event_t *je)

void ims_process_18x (eXosip_event_t *je)

void ims_process_prack (eXosip_event_t *je)

void ims_process_update (eXosip_event_t *je)

void ims_process_2xx (eXosip_event_t *je)

void ims_process_200ok (eXosip_event_t *je)

void ims_process_ack (eXosip_event_t *je)

void ims_process_message (eXosip_event_t *je)

void ims_start_im_session (eXosip_event_t *je)

void ims_process_incoming_reinvite (eXosip_event_t *je)

Function Documentation

int ims_message_requires_100rel ( osip_message_t * message )

Determines if an IMS message requires reliable responses

Parameters: message - a pointer to the message to check

Returns: 0 if no reliable responses are required and 1 otherwise

int ims_message_requires_preconditions ( osip_message_t * message )

Determines if an IMS message has preconditions

Parameters: message - a pointer to the message to check

Returns: 0 if no preconditions and 1 if there are preconditions

void ims_process_18x ( eXosip_event_t * je )

Processes an IMS 18X response

Parameters: je - a pointer to the 18X event

void ims_process_200ok ( eXosip_event_t * je )

Processes a IMS 200 OK response

Parameters: je - a pointer to the 200 OK event

void ims_process_2xx ( eXosip_event_t * je )

Processes a IMS 2XX response

Parameters: je - a pointer to the 2XX event

void ims_process_401 ( eXosip_event_t * je )

Processes an IMS 401 response

Parameters: je - a pointer to the 401 event

void ims_process_ack ( eXosip_event_t * je )

Processes a IMS ACK response

Parameters: je - a pointer to the ACK event

void ims_process_incoming_invite ( eXosip_event_t * je )

Processes an IMS INVITE request

Parameters: je - a pointer to the INVITE event

void ims_process_incoming_reinvite ( eXosip_event_t * je )

Processes an INVITE within a call

Parameters: je - a pointer to the INVITE event

void ims_process_message ( eXosip_event_t * je )

Processes a IMS out of call MESSAGE

Parameters: je - a pointer to the MESSAGE event

void ims_process_prack ( eXosip_event_t * je )

Processes a IMS PRACK response

Parameters: je - a pointer to the PRACK event

void ims_process_registration_200ok ( eXosip_event_t * je )

Processes an 200 OK resonse to a register request

Parameters: je - a pointer to the 200 OK event

void ims_process_update ( eXosip_event_t * je )

Processes a IMS UPDATE request

Parameters: je - a pointer to the UPDATE event

void ims_start_im_session ( eXosip_event_t * je )

Starts an Instant Messaging session as a result of receiving an IMS out of call MESSAGE

Parameters: je - a pointer to the MESSAGE event

Methods to handle IMS interface events


void ims_call_initiate ()

void ims_send_instant_message ()

void ims_send_register ()

void ims_open_im_window ()

void ims_call_answer ()

void ims_send_deregister_message ()

void ims_call_reinvite (gpointer button)

Function Documentation

void ims_call_answer ()

Answers an IMS call and sends a 200 OK response

void ims_call_initiate ( )

Initiates an IMS call by sending an IMS INVITE request

void ims_call_reinvite ( gpointer button )

Sends an IMS INVITE within a call

void ims_open_im_window ()

Checks for correct URI's,etc. and opens an IM Window if 1 is'nt already open

void ims_send_deregister_message ()

Sends an IMS DEREGISTER request

void ims_send_instant_message ()

Sends an out of call IMS MESSAGE

void ims_send_register ()

Sends an IMS REGISTER request



int initialise_eXosip ()

int initialise_ortp ()

gint get_exosip_events (gpointer main_window)

Function Documentation

gint get_exosip_events ( gpointer main_window )

Fetch any waiting eXosip events


main_window - a pointer to the main window widget

int initialise_eXosip ( )

Initialise eXosip

int initialise_ortp ()

Initiliase oRTP



char * preferences_remove_newline (char *input)

void preferences_get_preferences_from_file (char *filename)

void preferences_write_preferences_to_file (char *filename)

void preferences_set_preferences_dialog ()

void preferences_get_preferences_dialog (gpointer button)

Function Documentation

void preferences_get_preferences_dialog ( gpointer button)

Get all the fields from the preferences dialog.


button - a pointer to the OK button in the preferences dialog

void preferences_get_preferences_from_file ( char * filename )

Fetches the preferences from the specified file.


filename - path and filename of preferences file (defaults to ".imsuapref")

char* preferences_remove_newline ( char * input )

Removes newline char from the end of a string.


input - the orginal string


the new string without the newline char

void preferences_set_preferences_dialog ()

Set all the fields in the preferences dialog.

void preferences_write_preferences_to_file (char * filename )

Write the preferences to the specified file.


filename - path and filename of preferences file (defaults to ".imsuapref")



void presence_change_presentity ()

void presence_publish_presentity (char *basic, char *note)

void presence_get_xml_elements (xmlNode *root_node, char *entity)

void presence_process_notify (eXosip_event_t *je)

buddydata * presence_find_buddy (char *buddy)

void presence_add_buddy (char *buddy)

void presence_remove_buddy (char *buddy)

void presence_subscribe_to_presentity (char *buddy, int expires)

void presence_subscribe_to_all_presentities (int expires)

void presence_display_buddies ()

void presence_get_buddy_list_from_file (char *filename)

void presence_write_buddy_list_to_file (char *filename)

Function Documentation

void presence_add_buddy ( char * buddy )

Add a buddy to the buddy list.


buddy - the uri of the buddy to add

void presence_change_presentity ( )

Upate presentity display and publish new presence information.

void presence_display_buddies ( )

Displays a list of all buddies.

buddydata* presence_find_buddy ( char * buddy )

Finds a buddy in the list of buddies.


buddy - the uri of the buddy to find


the buddy struct if found or NULL if not found

void presence_get_buddy_list_from_file ( char * filename )

Gets list of buddies from file.


filename - filename where the buddies are kept - default to .buddylist

void presence_get_xml_elements ( xmlNode * root_node, char *entity)

Get the <basic> and <note> elements from an XML document.


root_node - the root node of the XML document entity - the URI of the presentity

void presence_process_notify ( eXosip_event_t * je )

Process an incoming presence notification.


je - the eXosip event

void presence_publish_presentity(char * basic, char * note)

Publish presentity.

void presence_remove_buddy ( char * buddy )

Remove a buddy from the buddy list.


buddy - the uri of the buddy to remove

void presence_subscribe_to_all_presentities( int expires )

Subscribe to the presentity of all on the buddy list.


expires - length that subscriptions are valid

void presence_subscribe_to_presentity(char * buddy,int expires)

Send an eXosip subscribe for a presentity.


buddy - the uri of the buddy to watch

expires - length that subscription is valid

void presence_write_buddy_list_to_file (char * filename)

Writes list of buddies to file.


filename - filename where the buddies are kept - default to .buddylist

SDP body helpers


int sdp_complete_200ok (int did, osip_message_t *answer, Call *ca)

int sdp_complete_ims (osip_message_t *message, osip_message_t **answer, Call *ca)

Function Documentation

int sdp_complete_200ok ( int did,

osip_message_t * answer,

Call * ca


Completes the reply SDP body of a SIP message


did - The call's DID

answer - The osip message with the completed SDP body

ca - The current call

int sdp_complete_ims ( osip_message_t * message,

osip_message_t ** answer,

Call * ca


Completes the reply SDP body of an IMS message


message - The received message

answer - The osip message with the completed SDP body

ca - The current call

Methods to handle SIP eXosip events


void sip_process_incoming_invite (eXosip_event_t *je)

void sip_process_ringing (eXosip_event_t *je)

void sip_process_ack (eXosip_event_t *je)

void sip_process_200ok (eXosip_event_t *je)

void sip_process_message (eXosip_event_t *je)

void sip_start_im_session (eXosip_event_t *je)

Function Documentation

void sip_process_200ok ( eXosip_event_t * je )

Processes a SIP 200 OK response


je - a pointer to the 200 OK event

void sip_process_ack ( eXosip_event_t * je )

Processes a SIP ACK response


je - a pointer to the ACK event

void sip_process_incoming_invite ( eXosip_event_t * je )

Processes a SIP INVITE request


je - a pointer to the INVITE event

void sip_process_message ( eXosip_event_t * je )

Processes a SIP out of call MESSAGE


je - a pointer to the MESSAGE event

void sip_process_ringing ( eXosip_event_t * je )

Processes a SIP RINGING response


je - a pointer to the RINGING event

void sip_start_im_session ( eXosip_event_t * je )

Starts an Instant Messaging session as a result of receiving a SIP out of call MESSAGE


je - a pointer to the MESSAGE event

Methods to handle SIP interface events


void sip_call_initiate ()

void sip_send_instant_message ()

void sip_send_register ()

void sip_open_im_window ()

void sip_call_answer ()

void sip_send_deregister_message ()

Function Documentation

void sip_call_answer ( )

Answers an SIP call and sends a 200 OK response

void sip_call_initiate ( )

Initiates a SIP call by sending a SIP INVITE request

void sip_open_im_window ( )

Checks for correct URI's,etc. and opens an IM Window if 1 is'nt already open

void sip_send_deregister_message ( )

Sends a SIP DEREGISTER request

void sip_send_instant_message ( )

Sends an out of call SIP MESSAGE

void sip_send_register ( )

Sends a SIP REGISTER request

Useful methods


char * add_quotes (char *in)

char * imsua_remove_quotes (char *text)

char * add_sip_scheme (char *in)

char * imsua_add_lr_to_route (char *route)

void set_display (char *text)

void set_reg_event_display (char *text)

void imsua_append_text_to_display (char *text)

void imsua_append_text_to_reg_event_display (char *text)

void imsua_set_presentity_display (char *new_presentity)

void imsua_clear_buddy_list_display ()

void imsua_append_text_to_buddy_list_display (char *buddy, char *basic, char *note)

void imsua_set_message_display (char *text)

void imsua_clear_presrules_display ()

void imsua_set_presrules_display (char *text)

void imsua_display_event_info (eXosip_event_t *je)

int imsua_is_associated_uri (char *uri)

void imsua_add_service_routes (osip_message_t **message)

void set_status_bar (char *text)

char * imsua_get_time ()

int timeval_subtract (struct timeval *result, struct timeval *x, struct timeval *y)

char * imsua_addpath (char *filename)

int imsua_regex_match (char *string, char *pattern)

void imsua_log (char *message)

Function Documentation

char* add_quotes ( char * in )

Encapsulates a string in quotes.


in - the orginal string


the new string encapsulated in quotes

char* add_sip_scheme ( char * in )

Adds the sip: scheme to a string


in - the orginal string


the new string with sip: prepended

char* imsua_add_lr_to_route ( char * route )

Adds the lr parameter to a route string.


route - the orginal route


the new route with the lr parameter

void imsua_add_service_routes ( osip_message_t ** message )

Add the service routes learnt during registration.


message - the osip message to add the service routes

char* imsua_addpath ( char * filename )

Add file path to filename.


result - the full path and filename

filename - filename without path

void imsua_append_text_to_buddy_list_display ( char * buddy,

char * basic,

char * note


Appends text to buddy list display.


buddy - the buddy address to append

basic - the basic parameter to append

note - the note parameter to append

void imsua_append_text_to_display ( char * text )

Appends text to the Display widget.


text - the text value to append

void imsua_append_text_to_reg_event_display ( char * text )

Appends text to the reg event display widget.


text - the text value to append

void imsua_clear_buddy_list_display ( )

Clears the buddy list display

void imsua_clear_presrules_display ( )

Clears the pres-rules display.

void imsua_display_event_info ( eXosip_event_t * je )

Show the event info in the message display.


je - the eXosip event

char* imsua_get_time ( )

Writes the clock time to a string


time_str - the pointer to store the time in

int imsua_is_associated_uri ( char * uri )

Check to see if this uri is one of our associated uris.


uri - the uri to check

void imsua_log ( char * message )

Print debugging information to stderr.


message - the debugging message

int imsua_regex_match ( char * string,

char * pattern


Match regular expression.


result - returns 1 on success, 0 otherwise

string - the string

pattern - the regular expression

char* imsua_remove_quotes ( char * text )

Removes outer quotes from a string.


in - the orginal string


the new string without quotes

void imsua_set_message_display ( char * text )

Appends text to message display.


text - the text value to append

void imsua_set_presentity_display ( char * new_presentity )

Sets presentity display.


new_presentity - the text value to set

void imsua_set_presrules_display ( char * text )

Appends text to pres-rules display.


text - the text value to append

void set_display ( char * text )

Sets the text of the Display widget.


text - the text

void set_reg_event_display ( char * text )

Sets the text of the reg event display widget.


text - the text

void set_status_bar ( char * text )

Sets the text of the Status Bar widget.


text - the text value

int timeval_subtract ( struct timeval * result,

struct timeval * x,

struct timeval * y


Subtract y from x timevals and return the answer. This is useful for timing network delays.


result - the difference between the two times

x - value at end of timer

y - value at start of timer



void watchers_subscribe_to_watcherinfo (int expires)

void watchers_get_xml_elements (xmlNode *root_node)

void watchers_process_notify (eXosip_event_t *je)

watcherdata * watchers_find_watcher (char *uri)

void watchers_add_watcher (watcherdata *watcher)

void watchers_remove_watcher (char *uri)

void watchers_remove_all_watchers ()

void watchers_display_watchers ()

Function Documentation

void watchers_add_watcher ( watcherdata * watcher )

Add a watcher to the list of watchers.


watcher - a new watcher struct

void watchers_display_watchers ( )

Displays all watchers in the watchers tab.

watcherdata* watchers_find_watcher ( char * uri )

Find a particular watcher in the list of watchers.


uri - the uri of the watcher to find

void watchers_get_xml_elements ( xmlNode * root_node )

Parses the XML from NOTIFY messages.


root_node - the root node of the XML document

void watchers_process_notify ( eXosip_event_t * je )

Handle an incoming NOTIFY event.


je - the eXosip event

void watchers_remove_all_watchers ( )

Removes all watchers from the watcher list.

void watchers_remove_watcher ( char * uri )

Remove a watcher from the list of watchers.


uri - the uri of the watcher to remove

void watchers_subscribe_to_watcherinfo ( int expires )

Subscribe to the watcher info event.


expires - length that subscriptions are valid



int xcap_find_user_in_rule (xmlNodePtr cur, char *user)

int xcap_remove_user_from_rule (xmlNodePtr cur, char *user)

int xcap_add_user_to_rule (xmlNodePtr cur, char *user)

int xcap_rule_is_not_empty (xmlNodePtr cur)

int xcap_rule_is_block (xmlNode *cur)

int xcap_rule_is_confirm (xmlNodePtr cur)

int xcap_rule_is_politeblock (xmlNodePtr cur)

int xcap_rule_is_allow (xmlNodePtr cur)

xmlNsPtr xcap_get_namespace (xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur, char *comparehref)

int xcap_delete_empty_rules (xmlDocPtr doc)

xmlDocPtr xcap_add_new_rule (xmlDocPtr doc, char *ruleName, char *action, char *user)

void xcap_allow_user (char *user)

void xcap_block_user (char *user)

void xcap_reset_presrules_doc ()

void xcap_pretty_print_xml (xmlNodePtr cur)

size_t WriteMemoryCallback (void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *data)

void xcap_get_presrules_from_server ()

size_t read_callback (void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *stream)

void xcap_put_presrules_to_server ()

Function Documentation

size_t read_callback ( void * ptr,

size_t size,

size_t nmemb,

void * stream


A curl callback for putting pres-rules.

size_t WriteMemoryCallback ( void * ptr,

size_t size,

size_t nmemb,

void * data


A curl callback for getting pres-rules.

xmlDocPtr xcap_add_new_rule ( xmlDocPtr doc,

char * ruleName,

char * action,

char * user


Add a new rule to a pres-rules document.


doc - the pres-rules document

rulename - the name of the rule, i.e. pres_whitelist or pres_blacklist

action - the action of the rule, i.e. allow, block, confirm or polite-block

user - the first user id of the rule

int xcap_add_user_to_rule ( xmlNodePtr cur,

char * user


Add a user to a pres-rules document rule.


cur - in this rule

user - the uri of the user


1 if successful

void xcap_allow_user ( char * user )

Allow a user in our presence rules.


user - the uri of the user to add

void xcap_block_user ( char * user )

Block a user in our presence rules.


user - the uri of the user to block

int xcap_delete_empty_rules ( xmlDocPtr doc )

Delete all empty rules from a pres-rules doc.


doc - the pres-rules document

int xcap_find_user_in_rule ( xmlNodePtr cur,

char * user


Find a user id in a pres-rules document rule.


cur - search in this rule

user - the uri of the user to search for


1 if user found or 0 otherwise

xmlNsPtr xcap_get_namespace ( xmlDocPtr doc,

xmlNodePtr cur,

char * comparehref


Finds a buddy in the list of buddies.


buddy - the uri of the buddy to find


the buddy struct if found or NULL if not found

void xcap_get_presrules_from_server ( )

Download our pres-rules from the XCAP server.

void xcap_pretty_print_xml ( xmlNodePtr cur )

Pretty print our rules in the pres-rules tab.


cur - the root element of the pres-rules document

void xcap_put_presrules_to_server ( )

Upload our pres-rules to the XCAP server.

int xcap_remove_user_from_rule ( xmlNodePtr cur,

char * user


Remove a user from a pres-rules document rule.


cur - search in this rule

user - the uri of the user to search for


1 if user found or 0 otherwise

void xcap_reset_presrules_doc ( )

Reset the presence rules document with no rules.

int xcap_rule_is_allow ( xmlNodePtr cur )

Check if this is an allow rule.


cur - the rule to check


1 if true or 0 otherwise

int xcap_rule_is_block ( xmlNode * cur )

Check if this is a block rule.


cur - the rule to check


1 if true or 0 otherwise

int xcap_rule_is_confirm ( xmlNodePtr cur )

Check if this is a confirm rule.


cur - the rule to check


1 if true or 0 otherwise

int xcap_rule_is_not_empty ( xmlNodePtr cur )

Check if there are any users in the current rule.


cur - in this rule


1 if not empty or 0 otherwise

int xcap_rule_is_politeblock ( xmlNodePtr cur )

Check if this is a polite-block rule.


cur - the rule to check


1 if true or 0 otherwise