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・Seinen Chow, Hiroaki Kurogi, Satoshi Katayama, Daisuke Ambe, Makoto Okazaki, Tomowo Watanabe, Tadafumi Ichikawa, Masashi Kodama, Jun Aoyama, Akira Shinoda, Shun Watanabe, Katsumi Tsukamoto, Sachie Miyazaki, Shingo Kimura, Yoshiaki Yamada, Kazuharu Nomura, Hideki Tanaka, Yukinori Kazeto, Kazuhiro Hata, Takeshi Handa, Atsushi Tawa, Noritaka Mochioka (2010) Japanese eel Anguilla japonica do not assimilate nutrition during the oceanic spawning migration: evidence from stable isotope analysis. Mar Ecol Prog Ser Vol. 402: 233–238. 

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