Positive/Negative Space

I took this picture of a shell I brought back from the bahamas and placed in the snow. I placed this black and white shell in the snow so that the only colors in the image were the white of the snow and shell along with the black markings on the shell. I wanted to create this image because I really liked this shell and wanted to incorporate it into my projects somehow, and this seemed as good a way as any, with the white of the snow and shell and the black markings acting as the positive and negative space in the image.

I used informal balance in this image as well as rule of thirds and high key lighting. I had a couple different shells, and I turned this one around a few times to get the best shape and coloring. I really enjoyed my trip to the Bahamas and this was one of the prettier things I brought back with me, and it was well suited for this project. I love the outdoors, and specifically the ocean, I spend a lot of time in the summer swimming or boating on the ocean. The snow is almost too textured and in focus, which kind of takes away from the complete focus on the shell, I could just use a different aperture to try and only focus on it.