
Composition and Techniques project, leading line.

Capturing Composition project, framing.

Inspired Image project, formal balance, high horizon line.

Textures project, Formal balance, high-key lighting

Multiplicity, formal balance

Clone Stamp, formal balance, high horizon.

Silhouette project, formal balance, low key lighting.

Extreme Perspective project, high horizon line, angle up.

Composition and Techniques, high key lighting, informal balance, angle up.

Over the course of this quarter I have learned more about art and specifically photography than I have in the past three years. I learned about composition of photographs, and techniques used to take unique photographs. I have also learned the importance of editing photographs to make them look better, both by affecting lighting and color, and by changing an image with photoshop.

I believe my images have generally improved in quality since the start of the year, with different angles and composition rules being used to craft better images. There were definitely some assignments where I put in less effort, usually when I was pressed for time, but even with those I managed to take at least one quality photograph, or at least one good enough to edit into a quality image. I often chose to change the saturation and contrast of the images, to really make the colors pop.

I also discovered that I still prefer landscape photos to most other forms, my inspired image is probably my favorite, largely because of the lighting I managed to capture, but also because of the subject, it was the outdoors, which I'm a huge fan of.

I can probably improve my use of composition and photography techniques, I don't always keep them in mind when I'm taking a photo unless that's part of the assignment, I often just eyeball it to see what looks good, which coincidentally sometimes is the same as using said techniques.

What I've discovered over the course of this section of the class is that to craft a unique image you need to combine composition, techniques, editing, lighting, interesting materials and subject all come together, and I believe that as the class went on I got better and better at doing so.


1. Give myself time to take quality images.

2. Always put effort in.

3. Always pay attention in class.