
Photography Final.mp4


Tiger in a Tree

Inspired Image



Natural Yard

Late Night Snack

Gravel Entryway


Dying Flower


Winter Boot

When I decided to take this class I was almost entirely motivated by my need to graduate, and my desire to avoid having to draw anything, because I am very, very bad at that, so I decided to take photography. For the first quarter I mostly just used my phone camera, because it was the most convenient, and took quality pictures. My first quarter of work, all the digital stuff, is unfortunately not as good as my second quarter with film. This is in part due to having a real camera, making it easier to take quality pictures, and in part due to my improvement over the previous quarter. I got better at taking pictures and incorporating rules and composition techniques.

The most challenging was probably the initial darkroom projects because I missed the day we learned about the various procedures. Funnily enough, what I am most proud of are my film prints and how they have improved over time, specifically my last two prints, I feel that out of all our projects this year those two are probably my favorite. I feel that my strengths are probably black and white photography, considering that all my best pictures have been taken using black and white film, and I think that I’m probably better with film than digital photography, and I enjoyed it considerably more, I felt more invest in each print that I developed.

I was initially resistant to a lot of things, and was often frustrated with the class, but as I learned more I became less and less irritated and more appreciative of the work I was producing, and am actually looking forward to the next semester. I am looking forwards to applying what I have learned over this past semester to photography 2. I feel that I have improved or developed as a photographer, and will take much better pictures over the next semester, and can't wait for the fourth quarter where we get to use film again.