Complimentary colors

This picture is of an orange sweatshirt and blue jeans laid out on the snow to look like a personI used a large mound of snow, a sweatshirt, and some blue jeansI couldn't really find any good way to take a picture of complimentary colors outside until I saw the sweatshirt and pants and had a lightbulb moment, I could lay them out to make it look like a person, with formal balance and a high horizon line.

I tweaked the coloration of the sky, sweatshirt, and pants to kind of brighten the image up, as well as slightly increasing the saturation and contrast.I took this picture from several different angels and almost used a few of the other once but it ended up being this one, you can see most of the sweatshirt, and it was the best one I took.

Despite my aforementioned lightbulb moment, there was really no specific meaning behind this, just some clothes in the snow, although it does look a little bit less like nothing and more like my younger brother ben who loves to flop in the snow in a similar position. I wish I could see the whole sweatshirt,