
This was taken on the bus before school, the windows had frosted and I took this opportunity to get the background kind of out of focus through the frosted glass, but at the same time the glass is out of focus as well. I used the bus window, the overnight frost on it , and the tree in the middle school bus circle in the background. I used informal balance, putting the tree on the right side of the picture, as well as making sure that the more see through part of the glass was on the same side as the tree, so it was more than just an undefined blob in the background.

I used soft focus as well as informal balance in this photo, as well as low key lighting in this photo, making everything kind of soft and out of focus, but not so much you can't see what's going on. I had trouble with this project, finding a good place where I could take a photo through glass where you could actually tell it was glass or without it looking poorly, finding this moment was pure chance, I took several pictures and then selected the best and edited them, knowing I wanted a black and white image, and eventually settled on this.

This isn't one of my favorite images, but I don't think it's particularly bad, if I had found a better setting for this photo I would have likely taken it over this however.