
This was take outside Piper's house, with her as the subject. I used the fence in the background as a kind of backdrop, and had her stand somewhere where the afternoon sun would come across to one side of her face and kind of shade the other I took several pictures but this was one of my favorites, it was a more candid than the others, she was smiling off in the corner.

I used formal balance and centered Piper in the middle of the picture, bringing all the focus to her. Formal balance with Piper in the middle, and High Key lighting throughout the picture. I knew I wanted to take pictures of Piper, and I probably took about a dozen and a half photos of her, but my favorites where the ones where she wasn't really looking at the camera, one of us would say or do something to make us both laugh. She has a beautiful smile.

She was laughing at something that she had noticed just off screen to her left, and I love her smile, so this is the image I went with.I spend quite a bit of time with Piper through school and sports, and spend even more time after school with her, and I really enjoy it, I love her smile and sense of humor. I wish I had a picture similar to this with a better backdrop, maybe trees or something