6.11 Work Attire

NKY Health's Guide to Personnel Policies
  • Replaces: Supersedes all previous Personnel Policies on the same topic
  • Reviewed: Annually
  • Section Revised: 7/1/2012, 1/1/2014, 5/1/2017, 1/1/2019, 5/1/2022
  • Contact: Human Resources Administrator

NKY Health’s community image may be affected by the impressions people obtain from contacts with its employees. NKY Health expects an employee to maintain a neat, well-groomed appearance and hygiene at all times and to be dressed appropriately for her/his job function(s). To that end, an employee must observe general dress code guidelines.

Clothing, accessories and body art which promote an employee’s personal political, social, or private causes or opinions and/or could be considered by a reasonable person to be offensive are prohibited. In addition, NKY Health expects staff to respect people who are sensitive to perfumes and chemicals by using scented products only in moderation.

An employee who fails to abide by this policy may be sent home to change clothes and/or may be subject to appropriate disciplinary action (see section 7.4) up to and including dismissal (see section 8.4.) Time spent away from work to change clothes will follow leave policies (see section 5.1.)

When an employee’s religious, ethical or moral beliefs or medical condition or disability prevent her/him from complying with the policy as written, s/he must request an accommodation in writing.

6.11.1 Business Casual Dress Code

NKY Health has adopted a business casual dress code but recognizes that the appropriate mode of dress depends upon work activities. Accordingly, business attire may be required at times and casual attire may be permitted at times. A business casual dress code is a benefit and is to be treated as such.

(See Dress Code Guidelines for specific examples of acceptable dress code for certain work situations.)

6.11.2 Name Badges

An employee must wear an NKY Health-issued name badge in a visible location at all times while working. The employee may suspend the badge from either the clip or the lanyard issued by NKY Health or the Kentucky Department of Public Health.

The name badge will include the employee’s first and last name and job title unless employees who have safety concerns obtain approval from their chain-of-command to omit their full last name and shall instead include the first initial of their last name.

An employee may not alter or add content to his/her badge or lanyard in any way, including marking on it, or affixing stickers, decals, pins, or other ornamental decorations or alterations other than those issued by NKY Health or the Kentucky Department of Public Health.

Name badges are the property of NKY Health and must be returned upon demand or upon termination of employment.

6.11.3 Personal Protective Equipment

Personal Protective Equipment is considered part of work attire and must be worn at all appropriate times. Supervisors will review with an employee what PPE is needed for specific work activities and will issue any PPE intended to be worn exclusively at work.