1.3 Merit System

NKY Health's Guide to Personnel Policies
  • Replaces: Supersedes all previous Personnel Policies on the same topic
  • Reviewed: Annually
  • Section Revised:
  • Contact: Human Resources Administrator

NKY Health merit system employees are governed by KRS § 212.792 Personnel Matters. A subsection of Local Health Programs under Independent District Health Departments, this statute stipulates the parameters for NKY Health to create its own merit system monitored by its own Personnel Board. As such, a Personnel Board was created and these policies instituted.

1.3.1 Merit System Component: Personnel Board

NKY Health’s Personnel Board, authorized under KRS § 212.792, was created to oversee the implementation and administration of these policies and to ensure compliance with said policies.

The specific duties of the Personnel Board are detailed in Article III, Section I – Duties of the Personnel Board Rules and Regulations.

1.3.2 Merit System Component: Classification Plan

NKY Health maintains a Classification Plan which includes a description of each merit system Class Specification (see section 3.2.2) and its assigned Pay Grade (see section 4.1.1.)

All merit system positions are assigned to a Class Specification and Pay Grade. Maintenance and Administration of the Classification Plan

The Classification Plan will be maintained by the head of Human Resources and administered by the District Director of Health and her/his designee. Review and Revision of the Classification Plan

The Classification Plan will be reviewed periodically by the head of Human Resources. Requests for changes to the Classification Plan may be submitted to the head of Human Resources.

The head of Human Resources, or any Director may recommend changes for the Classification Plan to the District Director of Health and/or her/his designee, who has the final authority for approving said changes.

The Personnel Board will be notified of any changes to the Classification Plan at or before its next regularly scheduled meeting.