Samira Idelcadi

Professional appointment: English Language Teacher Supervisor Professional profile: Samira Idelcadi is an ELT (English Language Teaching) supervisor in Souss Massa Regional Academy for Education and Training-Tiznit Directorate. She holds an MSc in Public Services Policy and Management from Kings College London (2011) and a Phd in Applied Linguistics from Hassan II University Casablanca. Her main research focus is on teacher leadership and teacher professional learning. She is an active member and frequent contributor to MATE (Moroccan Association of Teachers of English) conferences. Her main research interests are teacher professional learning, teacher leadership, educational change and educational policy.
Samira was a teacher of English in secondary schools for 14 years. During that period, she worked on several educational projects and programs. For instance, she facilitated a training program on leadership and management of projects for 40 students from all over Morocco. She also facilitated a professional learning workshop on "managing school projects" for 400 educators in Barcelona, Spain (2008) and in Galicia, Spain (2008). As well, she has spoken in many local, national and international conferences, for example, the MATE conference (2019) and IATEFL Conference, Liverpool, UK (2013). She spoke on the theme of ‘teacher leadership’ in the UNESCO Conference on the Quality of Teacher Professional development, Lebanon (2017), in the International Conference on the Quality of Education, Agadir (2018, 2019) and the International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement, Marrakesh (2020). Areas of scholarship:Teacher professional LearningTeacher LeadershipEducational PolicyEducational Change Teaching foci: Teacher professional learningEducational LeadershipEducational Policy Selected publications: Idelcadi, S., Rguibi, S., & Bouziane. A, (2020). System change through teacher leadership possibilities and constraints. Issues in Education Quality: Teaching Vol I. Ibn Zohr University.
Idelcadi, S. (2019). Developing teacher leadership in the Moroccan ELT context. In A. Bentahar & M. Mellouk (Eds.) Education in Morocco: Aspects and Prospects (pp. 70-88). The Moroccan Center for Civic Education.
Degrees: PhD, Hassan II University, Casablanca; MSc, Kings College London; BA. Ibnou Zohr University, Agadir
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