Molly Fuller

Professional appointment: Senior lecturer Professional profile: I see myself as a dynamic go-getter and regard every opportunity as a challenge while approaching situations with enthusiasm and perseverance. I am passionate about educational leadership and the impact it has on education.
I obtained my PhD in 2009 in Education with the focus on ICT integration. I started my academic career in 2009 at North West University; before that I was a teacher for twenty years. I was involved in the ACE Leadership and Management programme. We trained principals, deputy principals and HOD all over the country and I am still involved with short courses related to the training and the development of the AD in leadership and management.
I have attended numerous conferences where I presented papers on educational leadership. Reviewing articles for Journals from 2012 has broadened my knowledge of research done in leadership. I have been the Chairperson of the Subject Group Education Management Leadership for the past six years. I am part of the Edu-Lead Scientific Committee and the EXCO research committee. I am also privileged to be part of a NRF grant project: Understanding leadership for and during school change and development in academic under-performing and performing schools in challenging, formerly deprived South African contexts as well as an international research group that focuses on teacher leadership.
Areas of scholarship: Teacher leadershipImpact of educational systems on leadershipGangsterism in schoolsSchool improvement Teaching foci: Educational leadershipValue driven leadershipImpact of leadership on ICT integrationTeacher professional developmentSchool management Selected publications: VAN NIEKERK, M.P. 2015. Use of interactive whiteboards as part of a blended learning environment: not as white as it seems. Progressio. Vol 37 (1):83-98.
VAN NIEKERK, M.P. 2015. Students’ perceptions on IWB through the lens of the community of inquiry framework. South African Journal of Education. Vol 35 (4): 1-9.
VAN NIEKERK, M.P., Botha, J. 2017. Value-based leadership approach: A way for principals to revive the value of values in schools. Educational Research and Reviews. Vol 12 (3): 133-142. Degrees: PhD, University of Pretoria; MEd, University of Pretoria; BA, North West University Email address: