Cristina Moral-Santella

Professional appointment: Lecturer - Department of Didactics and School Organization. Faculty of Education.University of Granada (Spain).
Professional profile: Researcher belonging to the ISSPP network (International Successful School Principalship Project), collaborator withthe ISLDN network (International School Leadership Development Network), and with the ISTL network (International Study of Teacher Leadership). She has participated in numerous research projects on teacher training and educational leadership and school improvement.She has published numerous books, book chapters, articles in national and international journals. She is coordinator ofmaterials and projects aimed at the training and professional development of teachers, specifically, she has been coordinator of the Andalusian Project for the Training of University Teachers promoted by the Unit for the Quality of Andalusian Universities (2000-2003) and coordinator of Materials for the Training of Infant, Primary and Secondary Teachers ORCID CODE - org/0000-0002-7302-165X Areas of scholarship: Teacher training, educational leadership, didactic knowledge, school improvement, qualitative research Teaching foci: Teacher training, educational leadership Selected publications: Moral Santaella, C. (2022). Successful school leadership for social justice in Spain. Journal of Educational Administration, 60 (1), 72-85
Moral Santaella, C. & De la Herrán, A. (2021).Analysis of content and underlying theories in Spanish reference texts on general Didactics. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 70 (280), 437-455.
Moral Santella, C. (2020) A Comparative Study of the Professional Identity of Two Secondary School Principals in Disadvantaged Contexts. Leadership and Policy in School, 19(2), 145-170.
Moral Santaella, C. (2019). Competencies for the design of learning experiences in teacher training. Madrid: Síntesis. Degrees: PhD, Granada University Email address: