Jodi Nickel

Professional appointment: Professor Professional profile: While teaching in the K-12 education system, Jodi completed her Master of Education researching student-teacher interaction in writing conferences. Her PhD focused on the emerging autonomy of young children. She now teaches prospective teachers in the Department of Education where she also served as department chair from 2013-2018. Her Scholarship of Teaching and Learning research project focused on promoting higher level thinking in teacher education reflection journals. She has been examining the emergence of professional identity in teacher education by following the first cohort of teacher candidates through the program and into their early years of teaching. Her current research examines the ways a tutoring program contributes to teacher candidates' understanding of literacy development as well as growth in the children themselves. Areas of scholarship: Literacy teacher education, professional identity, reflection Teaching foci: Language Arts, Educational Foundations Selected publications: Mueller, J., & Nickel, J., Eds. (2019). Globalization and diversity in education: What does it mean for Canadian teacher education? Ottawa, ON: Canadian Association for Teacher Education. Webber, C.F. & Nickel, J. (2020). School improvement in Alberta. In O. Johansson and H. Ärlestig (Eds), Educational authorities and the schools: Organization and impact in 25 states. New York, NY: Springer Publishing. Nickel, J. & Zimmer, J. (2019). Professional identity in graduating teacher candidates, Teaching Education, 30(2), 145-159. DOI: 10.1080/10476210.2018.1454898 Edmunds, A., Nickel, J., & Badley, K. (2015). Educational foundations in Canada. Toronto, ON: Oxford University Press. Degrees: PhD, Western University; BEd, MEd, University of Regina Email address: