Kadir Beycioglu

In Memory

Professional appointment: Associate Professor
Professional profile: Kadir Beycioglu, PhD, is an associate professor of educational administration at Dokuz Eylul University in Izmir, Turkey. He completed his BA and PhD degrees in Inonu University, Turkey. His study topics are mainly on educational change, school development, and educational leadership. He is also interested in the ethical use of ICT in education. He is a member of the International Study of Principal Preparation (ISPP) project and International School Leadership Development Network – Social Justice Leadership Strand by BELMAS and UCEA. He has published several articles in leading international journals and in national journals. He has also acted as guest editor for some international journals and books and has published chapters in books. Dr. Beycioglu is the founding editor of the Research in Educational Administration & Leadership (REAL), the journal of the Turkish Educational Administration Society and has been serving as a member of the editorial board or as reviewer for a number of leading international journals. He has been a Council Member of the European Educational Research Association, the British Educational Leadership, Management & Administration Society, and the Commonwealth Council for Educational Administration and Management. He is currently working as a section editor for a book project by Springer titled "Handbook on Promoting Social Justice in Education”
Areas of scholarship: Educational administration and leadership
Teaching foci:*Educational Administration, School Leadership, Educational Supervision, Distributed Leadership, Teacher Leadership, Social Justice Leadership, Teacher Professional Development, Parental Involvement, School Improvement, Educational Change.
*Cross-cultural Studies on Educational Leadership, especially on Social Justice Leadership, Principal Preparation and recently on Teacher Leadership.
Selected publications:Beycioglu, K. & Kondakçı, Y. (2017). Understanding leadership practices in a sustainable school model: A case from Turkey. In R. Papa & A. Saiti (Eds). (pp.151-169). Building for a Sustainable Future in Education: Brick by Brick. Switzerland: Springer. Arar, K., Beycioglu, K., & Oplatka, I. (2017). A cross-cultural analysis of educational leadership for social justice in Israel and Turkey: meanings, actions and contexts. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 47(2), 192-206. Beycioglu, K. & Şahin, I. & Kesik, F. (2018). Analysis of Maladministration of Selection and Assignment of School Principals in Turkey: A Critical Perspective. In E. Samier & P. Milley (Eds). (pp.137-150). International Perspectives on Maladministration in Education. New York: Routledge.
Beycioglu, K., Kılınç, A. Ç., & Polatcan, M. (2019). The “Westernized” Map of the Field of Educational Administration in Turkey and Dominant Perspectives in School Leadership Education. In E. Samier, E. AlKaleh (Eds.), Teaching Educational Leadership in Muslim Countries: Theoretical and Cultural Foundations, (pp. 135-151). New York: Springer/Palgrave.
Beycioglu, K. & Sincar, M. (2019). The effects of shame in school leadership: The case of Turkish principals. In I. Oplatka & K. Arar (Eds). Emotion management and regulation in teaching and educational leadership: Research and practice in transitional and developing societies. (pp. 231-234). Emerald. Degrees: PhD, Inonu University; MA, Inonu University
Email address: beycioglu@gmail.com