Gloria Gratacós Casacuberta

Professional appointment: Associate Professor and Coordinator of the Master in Educational Management and Leadership at Universidad Villanueva (Madrid, Spain). Professional profile: As an economist, Gloria started her professional experience in an auditing and consultancy firm during two years. Then she moved to the education field where she was appointed principal of a school in Barcelona with 1100 students from 18 months to 18 years. Some of her achievements: introducing a trilingual education (Spanish, Catalan and English), promoting girls' interest in STEM areas with the consequent agreement with the national research institution in Spain to have some lab practices with researchers, implementing two curricular changes due to new educational laws, and involving parents in the creation of a Parents School. In 2011, she was appointed Dean of the Education Faculty until 2020. She was also responsible for starting the Faculty of Psychology where she was the Dean until 2019.
She has taught seminars and short courses for principals from Australia, Dominican Republic, Colombia, Polonia and Angola. Areas of scholarship: teachers' motivation, educational leadership, building resilience in the teaching profession, induction programs, and parental involvement in education. Teaching foci: General management for school principals, school organization Selected publications: Gratacós, G. &, López-Jurado, M. (2016). Validation of the Spanish version of the Factors Influencing Teaching (FIT)-Choice scale. Revista de Educación, 372, 87-105. Said-Hung, E.; Gratacós, G.&, Valencia Cobos, J. (2017). Factores que influyen en la elección de las carreras de pedagogía en Colombia [Factors that influence the choice of pedagogy careers in Colombia]. Educação e Pesquisa, 43, 31-48. Gratacós, G.; López-Gómez, E.; Nocito, G. &, Sastre, S. (2017). Why teach? Antecedents and consequences in Spain. In Helen M.G. Watt, Paul W. Richardson y Kari Smith, Global Perspectives on Teacher Motivation, 55-94. Cambridge University Press. Gratacós, G.; Sastre, S.; Rodriguez, I. & Ciesielkiewicz, M. (2017). The importance of resilience in beginning teachers. Paper presented at ISATT conference held in Salamanca (Spain), 3-5 July 2017. Gratacós, G.; Serra, F.; Sánchez-Lissen, E. &, Jimeno, J. (2018). La percepción de las competencias de liderazgo de los directivos de centros educativos privados [The perception of the leadership skills of the directors of private schools]. Paper presented to EDO conference held in Barcelona, 7-10 May 2018. Degrees: Bachelor´s Degree in Economics from the University of Barcelona; Bachelor's in Business Administration and Master's Degree in Business Management from ESADE Business School; Master in Research in Social Sciences from Universidad Internacional de Cataluña; Ph.D. in Education Sciences. Email address: